Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lessons, thanks to "The Donald"

The Donald is, currently, double digits ahead of all his competitors for the GOP nomination. How long this will last is anyone's guess; the likelihood of ANYONE surviving the process from now 'til November 2016 is pretty much ZERO.

But, he's all the rage....RIGHT NOW.

And, the REASON he's all the rage is where some lessons can be found.

It's been my opinion that a REAL, outspoken Conservative can slam-dunk an election. Look at Reagan's two runs...sure, he whacked Carter the first time (Carter was his biggest help...), but in his second run......already confirmed as a strong Conservative....Reagan took 49 states.


Yet, for SOME reason, Liberals in the political world and in the media keep telling us that "ONLY a 'moderate' Republican has a chance to win".
Well....that seemed to work out well for Romney and McCain....
Now, I'm NOT saying that Trump is a Conservative; he isn't. BUT, he HAS made some VERY Conservative statements, centering around a "TAKE BACK AMERICA" platform.

You can see the results.

Clearly, voters are tiring of rhetoric and parsed language. Those candidates who say it clearly will have an edge over those who do not. Period.
(This goes for both sides...)

It's ALSO been my long-standing opinion that there exists a "fifth column" in the GOP; Democrats.....Marxists, in practice and ideology....who have been planted as "sleepers" within the ranks of the GOP establishment. These "fifth columnists", at every critical opportunity, side with the Democrats.
These "fifth columnists", currently, are leading the effort, from within, to destroy Trump, along with Cruz and Walker. In a more broad sense, this "Fifth Column" is working to minimize the Conservative movement within the Republican Party (this includes "The Tea Party").

For further, historical, reading, go here: http://www.britannica.com/topic/fifth-column

As I said, The Donald will NOT likely survive to be the nominee for the Republican Party.

The candidate who WILL win is the candidate who can demonstrate strong, consistent Conservatism, who speaks plainly (you'll know this by how the media portrays him/her.....they'll be a "simpleton", "uneducated", "Bubba", "not nuanced"...), who's resume includes "...been a Governor...", who is able to prove that they actually CAN work with both sides and, perhaps MOST importantly, who's campaign is....


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