Sunday, February 12, 2017


President Trump, this week, stated that a tax cut package will be announced soon; possibly within just a couple of weeks.

I know that this may be shocking to some, but Liberals are condemning this coming proposal.

“YADDA YADDA (and, of course) YADDA!!!!”

I’d like to suggest an addition to the new tax cut package:

An “Opt-out” provision.

Here’s how it works:

Since Trump is planning to cut individual taxes as well as corporate taxes (and might even take a stab at the inheritance tax), and since most Liberals will be dead set against ANY tax cutting (some going so far as to become violent in their protests), these Liberals should be able to opt-out of the tax cuts. For these Liberals, it’s merely a matter of registering for the opt-out program, after which they will still be taxed at the same rate as was previous, before the new reductions. In addition, since they are also opting-out of corporate taxes, these opt-out Liberals will be the same, higher, prices for all goods and services. With regard to the inheritance tax, once enrolled in the opt-out program, upon their death, the normal, higher, inheritance tax will be applied to whatever they leave behind for their beneficiaries (with this provision, a “take it all” option will be available).

In addition to this “opt-out” provision, I’d like to propose (to be included with this new legislation), an additional provision, providing a means by which these Liberals may choose to voluntarily pay additional taxes (income, sales, etc). It can be called the “round it up for the people” provision, where income taxes can be “rounded up” to the next $100, and in sales tax, can be “rounded up” to the next dollar.

Further, I believe that STATES should be able to opt-out as well. (For instance, California can choose to NOT comply with the new tax cuts. They’d continue to give the Federal Government the same monies derived from the former, higher, taxes; thereby offering additional aid to the people).

I think that this rather bold proposal is just the thing that Liberals need to prove, by example of their leadership, once and for all, that THEY are the ones properly serving the needs of society; and this proposal allows them to do just that!

Post script: I DO find it rather odd that Liberals take tax deductions, use tax shelters…..take advantage of ANY tax-reducing options available to them. After all…..when they do, aren’t they, in fact, part of the “problem”?

The “Opt-out” provision (for individuals and states).
The “Take it all” option.
The “Round it up for the people” option.

Please, President Trump. Please. 

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