Wednesday, May 17, 2017


What did you expect?  I’d really like to know….

Did you expect that a candidate, who spent most of his campaign, tearing into the Establishment, would somehow….suddenly…be embraced by them?

Did you expect that Trump, who vowed to begin the process of undoing 70+ years of Socialism, would be allowed to enact that agenda without hostile, violent opposition, from BOTH sides of the Establishment?

Did you think that Democrats would suddenly decide to allow Trump to undo their Socialist dream without a word?

With their clear history of hoaxing, lying and just making things up, did you think that Democrats would suddenly play fair?

This is politics, folks. And this IS The Establishment.

One side working against the other in order to halt an agenda. Every trick, every Congressional rule, every maneuver, every ploy……everything is used by both sides in order to either forward or halt that agenda.

And make NO mistake: Trump’s agenda is potentially transformative. If successful, it would begin….BEGIN….the process of undoing 70+ years of creeping Socialism and restoring Constitutional mandates.

And make NO mistake: his first 100+ days have begun to do exactly that. Trump, along with ANYONE who supports him, represent a genuine threat to Socialism, to Collectivism, to Marxism, to Communism… Statism.

So it should come as no surprise that the reaction from Democrats AND Establishment Republicans would be vigorous and openly hostile. And it should come as no surprise that it will soon become violent. It’s the Marxist way.

Now, that said, it should also come as no surprise that Democrats are employing the same tactics as were used by Hitler and Stalin to whip their party faithful into blind frenzy. Screaming, threats and violence is, and will continue to be, the SOP. Go ahead…… “Google” old speeches from Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol, Fidel…….watch them whip the masses into frenzy.

BUT, keep this in mind: darkness cannot hide in the light.

EVERYTHING positive that has happened (and there’s been plenty) in the last several months is because you…..YOU…..made it happen. Your voice, your letters, your confrontations, your energy, your willingness to stand up and fight……YOU are the reason America still has a chance. YOU are the reason that the sacrifice of those who fought for our freedom will not be rendered meaningless.

YOU are the reason our Constitution remains the law of the land.

And YOU MUST continue to fight. In fact, ramp it up. Fight fire with fire.

When they shout: you shout louder.
When they lie: you reveal the truth.
When they falsely accuse: you defend with vigor
When they intimidate: you stand firm
When they resort to violence: you resort to self-defense and defense of others
And when they resort to war: you face them, no quarter and without mercy.

What is at stake is our Constitution; and with it, our freedom.

What is that worth to you?

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