Friday, January 28, 2011

Did you ever notice...... Obama never compares himself to Jimmy Carter?

Jimmy, I always thought, was a HERO to Liberals (I thought this because Liberals keep saying it...and praising him to no end)? According to Liberals, Carter is a GREAT man. So, I really don't get it...WHY won't Obama campare himself to Carter!?!? Instead, he compares himself to Kennedy (failure in foreign policy, addicted to prescription meds, lots of prostitutes parading through the White House, etc...BUT...ALSO loved by Liberals).

Most astonishing is his comparison to President Reagan, who is HATED by Liberals.

It is breathtaking to me that Obama, along with his media lapdogs, would even attempt such a comparison, since Reagan and Obama are as opposite as two people can be.

Can you imagine Obama as a tax cutter? A public sector shrinker? A FEARLESS foreign policy leader? A strong military supporter? A fearless protector of the unborn? A supporter of democratic movements around the world? A staunch supporter of ANYONE who risked their own lives to rise up against oppresive regimes?

No, there's no real, serious, comparison here. In fact, it's very difficult to refrain from laughing hysterically...

In fact, the only thing I can really do, with regard to Obama's attempt to apprear "Reaganesque", is to quote the great Sidney Wang (Peter Sellers' character in "Murder by Death"), in reaction to a theory posed by Nick Charleston (David Niven). Said Wang, giggling in reaction, "Is stupid. Is most stupid theory I ever heard!"

Hirota: OUT!


kepha said...

As much as I hate to say this, if Yo-Mama ever DID compare himself to Carter, it would be an insult to Carter. This numbskull will CERTAINLY go down in history as the WORST President EVER, eclipsing Carter's decades-old reign at the top.

Common Sense said...

Oh great....the ONE thing Carter ever succeeded in......Obama now OWNS!!!!