Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Healthcare waivers???

I thought the new healthcare law was the "bees knees"? I thought Obamacare was the cureall for our "broken" healthcare system? I thought Obamacare was going to be "revenue neutral"? I thought Obamacare was going to save Americans TRILLIONS of dollars???

If that is the case, then I guess I have to wonder why this ENORMOUS list of companies ( is being granted waivers?

If ALL of the above is true of Obamacare, there can be only ONE conclusion: these mean-spirited companies are out to SCREW their employees, by preventing them from having the!

To me, this list is a shopping list of "who not to support"....

Hirota: OUT!

1 comment:

kepha said...

Interesting. Liberals always come forward citing the "promote the general wefare" phrase from the Preamble and Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution as justification for a nationalized health system. However, by definition, if ANYONE is exempted from the mandates of the law, it is no longer a law for the general welfare, is it? That would, in essence, nullify the law as unconstitutional.