Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Too stupid to survive.

I remain in firm belief that, if and when the Liberals take abortion to the next level....forced sterilizations...that California ought to be the first target.

...we shouldn't be allowed to breed.

Now that we've overwhelmingly demonstrated our stupidity in re-electing Jerry "crystals" Brown, we are getting exactly what we paid for: internet taxation (which will kill business for us and other states), financial aid for illegal aliens, increases in taxes (this, of course, is only a "temporary" measure...well....and extension to a "temporary" tax....uh huh...), etc etc etc...

As he's always done, Jerry suckles at the teet of the unions, who COMPLETELY own him.

And we Californians go on our merry way....oblivious to the inevitable collapse of our state at the hands of this blithering idiot....and the blithering idiots in our state senate and legislature, nearly ALL of whom are extremist Liberals.

Will we EVER learn?

.....did Rome?

Hirota: out.

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