Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"We don't need no stinking Constitution..."

Harry Reid, ever the defender of this great nation and our Constitution, had a proposal of his own to "fix" the debt talk impass.

SHOCKINGLY, he actually suggested NO new taxes and actual, REAL cuts to the budget.

WOW! This is a REMARKABLE move, for a VERY staunch and reliable committed Communist.

Then the whole truth came out....

Turns out that the "fix" consists of.....

....GUTTING the military.

Of course, Senate Democrats are behind him all the way on this. And I'm certain that House Democrats' mouths are watering at the possibility....

So you see, folks, this is how it works in Liberal-land...the "four-step" path to a Socialist state:

Step 1: Ignore the Constitution
Step 2: Cripple the military
Step 3: Shackle the taxpayers
Step 4: Grow Grow GROW Government

Seems that Norman Thomas was right after all...

Hirota: out.

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