....and typical of Liberals everywhere.
Just revealed: under the new law, home-schoolers shall not be allowed to characterize homosexual acts as "sinful".
Donna McColl, "Assistant Director of Communications", states, "Whatever the nature of schooling--homeschooling, private schooling, Catholic schooling--we do not tolerate disrespect for differences".
A couple things occur to me (and had best be paid-attention-to by Conservatives everywhere:
- In her statement, she deliberately excludes "public schooling". So, according to her, public schools, as far as the Education Act is concerned, is absolutely tolerant of "disrespecting of differences".
- While the idiot McColl preaches to the private sector about "...we do not tolerate disrespect for differences", she feels perfectly at ease with disrespecting the religious, societal, moral and ethical differences of home schoolers, private schoolers and Catholic schoolers.
(These institutions are different, by the way, from public schooling because they are religious, moral and ethical...)
I'm guessing that a growing number of Canadians WISH they had a Second Amendment to provide protection to their citizenry from their own Government which, CLEARLY and OBVIOUSLY, is out of control.
Hirota: out.
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