Monday, April 23, 2012

Two questions for Liberals

So, unemployment is nearly the highest in history. Food stamps ARE at the highest in history. Welfare IS the highest in history. Our budget deficit IS the highest in history. Our national debt IS at the highest level in history.... So, Liberals.....two questions: - What, exactly, makes you believe (as you so proudly proclaim) that Americans are better off with the Democrats in charge since 2008? - Are you really THAT stupid? Americans: PLEASE stop the idiot Democrats in November. PLEASE!!!!! Hasn't it ocurred to you that the last time we had such Liberal domination of Government was in the Carter years, which, THANKFULLY, ended BEFORE the Democratic Party pushed this nation into pure, miserable, Socialism?


Anonymous said...

Tim, I guess we should thank Bill aclinton for creating all those jobs and all the budget surpluses that George Bush squandered on the rich who haven't created any jobs but taken all the "government" handouts during the bail outs!!

Common Sense said...

You might want to check your history, my friend......
the US was well into recession 8 months BEFORE Bush took office.

The "rich who haven't created any jobs..."? Not sure where you get your "facts" (well, I can pretty much guess...MSNBC, CNN, NBC, etc), but you might ask yourself: when was the last time you were were hired by a poor person? Never? Well, then, I guess the rich DO create jobs....

Common Sense said...

Oh, and, one more thing: all that bailout money DIDN'T go to "big corporations". No, rather, it mostly went to Unions, who are now, as we speak, funnelling it back into Obama's re-election bid.

FOLKS: read "anonymous" carefully. THIS is the kind of chum that is typical of Liberals: LOTS of invective, ZERO fact.