Friday, May 4, 2012

Just how stupid are you, Bob Beckel? Ah.....let me count the ways....

Bob Beckel, a Liberal commentator who has somehow managed to be wrong EVERY time he opens his mouth (no real feat for a Liberal...), has done it again!

This week, commenting on the 2012 election, said that Obama had NO qualifications to be President--we should not make that mistake again...with Romney.

(I can only assume that it's a very quiet, empty, lonely place between his ears...)

So, WHY wasn't Obama qualified to be President?

1. He's never held a job in the private sector (what we, in my industry, call "carrying a bag")
Folks, in order to understand anything....ANYTHING AT helps if you've ACTUALLY done that thing at some point in your life. Without this experience, it's all theoretical.

2. He's never managed anything...EVER.
As someone who mentors and develops managers, I know what happens EVERY newly-promoted manager begins their new role: they micromanage. AND, that new manager has to be mentored OUT of micromanagement. Obama HAS, in fact, Governed by micromanagement, which, in part, is why he is a miserable failure as President. Unfortunately, since he has surrounded himself with people who ALSO have never managed, there's no one there to mentor him out of it. If re-elected, America will see more incapable, feckless, gutless, weak management.

3. He's never Governed a state.
Governing a state is, as an executive manager, the biggest job in America, next to being President. In a very real sense, being a Governor is "President in training".

So, Obama walked into the White House with precisely ZERO skills, yet, when running, Beckel himself was on the "oh, nonsense....Obama is VERY qualified for this job!" bandwagon.

And, how does Romney stack up against Obama in qualifications for President? Let's see...

1. Romney has worked in the private sector.
2. Romney has held....SUCCESSFULLY....ALL levels of executive management.
3. Romney has Governed a state.

Gosh, it's almost as if Obama and Romney were EXACT opposites; one being (STILL) completely unqualified for the office of President, and one who has EVERY qualification to be President! (Liberals won't be able to figure out which is which, so here's a clue: the unqualified one is half-white)

Hirota: out


Bapakgila said...

Mr. Beckel truly amazes me everytime I see him on "The Five" most everyday. with everyone sitting around him giving him pure facts he still manages to come up with the most bizarre answers that still don't make sense to me. Dana Perino who understands the white house policies better than anyone & Eric Bolling who is a financial expert still have failed to make him understand even the basics of policy and fiscal issues that even a layman can understand. Just why is it good for our economy to create money and hand it out to strangers? That is good for our economy according to Beckel; go figure...

Anonymous said...

No need to capitalize "governed." That being said, Beckel is indeed an idiot.