Sunday, May 6, 2012

Slam dunk? Not so fast, folks...

Lots of news reports, these days, revolve around Democrats' "fear" that their lord god savior, Obama, not only might not get elected, but.....GASP....may have his ass handed to him and lose in a landslide! Who'd have thought that MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NYT, etc etc etc (ALL of whom are psychotically Liberal) would reveal such sensitive, damning information!? Think again, folks. This is strategy, pure and simple. The Liberals know (or they THINK they know) that if regular Americans buy into their lie about a "landslide loss" for Obama, that that will be enough to have some of those potential voters to stay home on the assumption that, "'s already a done deal..." Americans (those who cherish freedom and liberty and have a deep respect for The Constitution): from THIS MOMENT FORWARD, including after the election: - BE ACTIVE IN GETTING THE CONSERVATIVE WORD OUT - BE EDUCATED ON ALL SIDES OF THE ISSUES AND CANDIDATES - READ "THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION" - READ THE FEDERALIST PAPERS - START A BLOG, LETTER-WRITING CAMPAIGN, YOUTUBE VIDEO BLOG, ETC...EXTOLLING CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES - EDUCATE THOSE AROUND YOU - GO HEAD TO HEAD WITH LIBERALS (NO MORE "SILENT MAJORITY") - VOTE!!!!!!! There is ONLY one way to preserve the greatness of this country, my friends, and that choice is COMPLETELY ours to make. Hirota: running for President....OR Senator!

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