Wednesday, March 13, 2013


More later, but there's a new Pope.....

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio from Argentina is now Pope Francis.

Early reports seem to indicate a VERY Conservative person....anti-abortion, anti-gay-marriage, etc.

Sadly, so far, Liberals will be VERY upset; especially those who claim to be Catholic (you know....the pro-gay-marriage, pro-big-government, pro-abortion Catholics....).

So far.....THANK YOU, GOD!

Hirota: out.


Anonymous said...

I join you, Tim in thanking the Lord for our new pope. I pray that he continues the legacy that preceeded him, maybe even more conservatively. I have hope in our pope.

Common Sense said...

Based on what I've researched so far....Pope Francis I is VERY Conservative!

(If it's any indication, Liberals everywhere are wailing and gnashing their teeth....)