...and yes, that WAS an intended pun....
With "gay marriage" being weighed in the Supreme Court, I'm compelled to clear a couple things up...to un-muddy the waters (where Liberals prefer to reside...):
Irrespective of how this SCOTUS decision may come down, marriage doesn't change.
It never has and it never will.
In those times when multiple marriages, etc, were acceptable, marriage, the TRUE definition, never changed.
Let's say, for instance, that some other idiot Liberal group (I know...redundant...) decided to wage a campaign to change the legal definition of a car. Let's say that, instead of calling it a car, they fought, and won the right, to call it a "garden".
Would that legality change the nature of "car"?
And neither would "gay marriage" change the nature of marriage.
Roe v Wade, although legally changed the definition of "human", it didn't, hasn't and won't change the truth of humanity.
In simplest terms, "gay marriage" does not, and cannot exist; no more than I, a heterosexual, could suddenly call myself "homosexual". Definitionally, regardless of ANY legal action, it isn't a possibility.
So, win the Socialists may. After all, this same ideology, not so many years ago, legally changed the definition of "human", and, as a result, have butchered over 54 MILLION Americans.
No folks, the REAL intent to "gay marriage" has NOTHING to do with marriage; just like the REAL intent of "Roe v Wade" has NOTHING to do with "women's rights".
The intent of BOTH is five-fold:
1. Destruction of "family". Pure and simple, the more grotesquely the legal definition of marriage is bastardized (really....no pun intended), the more the nature of "family" is rendered, socially, worthless. This leads to the intermediate goal:
2. Destruction of "God". Without "God", there is NO such thing as "unalienable rights". Without "unalienable rights", the Government, taking the place of God, decides which of us is equal. Which leads, finally, to...
3. The Socialization of America. Marxism CANNOT exist where "family" and "God" are strong. Weaken, or eliminate God and family, the way is cleared for Marxism. (Ask Hitler and Stalin...it worked for them...)
4. Also, as with ALL Liberal legislation, "gay marriage" serves to place the consequences and responsibilities of a BEHAVIORAL CHOICE...homosexuality....off the shoulders of the choice-makers, and squarely ON the shoulders of society. (Keep in mind that, to date, "homosexuality" is NOT a genetic reality but, rather, a behavioral choice. Therefore, it is NOT the same, as Liberals would try to have you believe, as women's voting rights, race-based rights, etc).
5. If decided in favor of "gays", this decision opens the door to all manner of Liberal wet dreams, including multiple marriage, bestial marriage, incestuous marriage, statutory marriage, etc.
Now, although Liberals will not respond to this piece (because they are wrong, they know it, and they are cowards), they will refer to me as "homophobic".
By way of official response, to those Liberals: (yawn)
Don't worry, folks. If the "gays" get there way, it STILL won't be marriage.
In fact, it NEVER will be.
To quote Pope Francis I on "gay marriage": "Let’s not be naive: this isn’t a simple political fight, it’s an attempt to destroy God’s plan"
To this, I would add, "...and replace it with Karl Marx's..."
Hirota: out.
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