Wednesday, July 16, 2014

PS...the REAL cost....

Acting Chief Gibson: VA Needs $17.6 Billion to Clear Backlog


Assuming that this number is ANYWHERE near accurate (it isn' the math and the history....if you want an accurate number, take what they quote and multiply it by three), then the REAL cost, in terms of tax dollars required to fund that $17.6 billion is actually $88 Billion (remember that, AT BEST, Government operates at less than 20% efficiency, meaning that it takes $5 in taxes to fund $1 in government program).


And, in LIKELY, real numbers, the cost will be $264 BILLION in collected taxes.

This is ONE of the reasons that the VA should be privatized....

* More efficient use of money (better charities operate at 60-80% efficiency.)
* Higher level of service (competition)
* FAR safer for the veterans.

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