Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Really......seriously......I'd like to hear the explanation.....

So, it's no real secret that Liberals (both Democrat and Republican) are true believers in Darwinism (it's one of their religions of choice).

It's also no secret that Darwinism (the part the most enchants Liberals...speciation) cannot be proven and, therefore, a faith-based belief.

Darwinism is fundamentally based on a "survival of the fittest" and "natural selection" process; species, from time to time, experience random mutations (which DON'T involve "God" or any higher authority) and, through this constant process, "evolve" into forms more or less able to survive. An animal with, say, a longer neck and reach higher on the tree in order to obtain food......blah blah blah.

So, here's the dilemma (just the most recent, btw, as the Liberal belief system is nothing BUT hypocrisy and dilemma):

We have the Liberal religion of Darwin, and we have this:

Can you help me out with this, Liberals?

Are homosexuals and "transgenders" being selected out?

Is nature telling us that homosexuals and "transgenders" are NOT "the fittest"?

Or is Darwin, now, not that important?

And, since you Liberals are BIG believers that humans, when they interfere in the "natural process", destroy the system that nature has created, should there be ANY attempt to rectify the problem?

Shouldn't we, as you so ardently believe, just let nature take it's course?

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