Saturday, August 23, 2014

This may SEEM like humor.....

Democrats REALLY SHOULD pay attention (I can't believe that I'm actually trying to protect them...from themselves).

So, homosexuals want "gay marriage", right?

And, throughout the long battle, I've pointed out that there is, and can never be, "gay marriage", since "marriage" is VERY specifically defined: one man, one woman. Period.

So, the legal relationship between two like-gendered people is NOT a "marriage".

And yet, they wish to change the definition of "marriage".

Ok, fine.

In the past, I've argued that the ultimate test of laws and balanced views is that that law or view applies equally, to all.

As an example:

Since a "White Congressional Congress", an "NAAWP", a "WET" network, etc, would allowed, then the black versions of those groups are not legitimate.

So, Liberals.....

Suppose America decides to change the definition of....abortion?

And suppose they change that definition from the termination of pregnancy to the termination of Democrats.  Or how about the termination of blacks. Or the termination of females.

Far-fetched? Really?

Your own president voted to allow abortion AFTER BIRTH.

Margaret Sanger advocated abortion as a means to control the population of blacks.

China utilizes abortion to control the number of women in the population.

Democrats, blacks, could be next.


I've consistently held that a change in the definition of "marriage" would lead to the legalization and normalization of multiple marriage, bestial marriage, incestuous marriage, etc. And certainly, groups are appearing to be aggressively pursuing these ends.

And all this because people, who have made a BEHAVIORAL CHOICE, now refuse to accept the consequences of that choice.

Such is Liberalism.

Such is the Democrat Party.

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