Saturday, January 21, 2017

JANUARY 22nd, 1973: The day the sanctity of "unalienable rights" died.

“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

JANUARY 22ND, 2017

January 22nd marks the 44th anniversary of Roe v Wade, the decision that federalized the legalization of abortion law in the United States.

As of the completion of this writing (January  6th, 2017), the number of abortions in the United States stands at:
-       - 59,693,000 million since the Roe v Wade decision
-       - 2,800/day
-       ~ 300 by the time you finish reading this piece.

Democrats continue to lead the way in defending, protecting and expanding abortion law, while Republicans, much like the old Whig Party, continues to staunchly oppose Roe, while doing almost nothing to end this human rights abuse.

And make no mistake: abortion IS a human rights issue, abused, as it legally protects the right of one segment of humanity, women (already born), to murder another segment of humanity, unborn children. Democrats have decided, simply, that one segment of humanity (the unborn) has no rights and that another segment of humanity, males, have fewer rights than women.

But this is nothing new for Democrats, whose history is replete with human rights violations; from (pro) slavery to (anti) Suffrage to (anti) Civil Rights to (pro) embryonic stem cell research (and taxpayer funding of…) to (pro) abortion. Their record is unequivocal, and is consistent throughout American history, including today. In addition, Democrats (and Liberal, left-of-center, Republicans) are also defenders and expanders of ‘softer’ violations: Affirmative Action, “hate crime” legislation, etc.

Since November 8th, 2016, I’ve cautioned Conservatives (not Republicans….CONSERVATIVES) that the fight to restore America to its Constitutional principles has only begun. As Steve Bannon puts it: “We’re at the top of the first inning.” I exclude “Republicans” for one, simple reason: the GOP has become the “New Whig Party”, whose “staunch” opposition to abortion is rhetoric, only. If it comes to a real fight, they’ll side with Democrats or will sit on the sidelines, hoping that their non-action will save their Congressional seats. Count on it.

Count, also, on Democrats doing anything and everything, legal and illegal, to win. Remember that, in response to the possibility that slavery might be curtailed or ended, Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan, in order to violently put down opposition, both black and white. Remember that theirs is an ideology which embraces the notion that the ends justify the means.

In the debate about abortion, which is a taboo topic (unless you are a supporter, of course), I’ve heard pretty much every argument; from “a woman’s right” to “mass of cells” to “viability of the fetus” to “pro-choice isn’t the same as pro-abortion” to “what would we do with all those children”. And, when I’ve heard these, I’ve responded with the same comments and questions. Interestingly, the questions always remain unanswered, as this is precisely when the subject becomes taboo (or I get called names…)

The truth is: I really want to know how pro-abortion advocates arrive at their conclusions. I want to understand the thought process. I want to understand what, clearly, I am not seeing or understanding.

So, with this in mind….I’ll ask some of them again; hoping for insight and discussion.

Questions I’ve asked of Liberals, from both Democrat and Republican sides, to which I’ve never received an answer:

-       - If the argument FOR abortion is because “it’s a woman’s body”, should late term or partial birth abortions be unrestricted as well?

-       - If the argument FOR abortion is about “viability” of the fetus, should abortion be prohibited after 24 weeks (the current age of survivability of fetuses)?

-      - If men are not permitted to weigh in about abortion "because men don't have a uterus", does that also mean that a person must be black to weigh in on black issues. Does it mean that, because a person is not black, they cannot POSSIBLY understand that, for instance, slavery was wrong?

-       - If a fetus is not human, what, specifically, determines and defines “human”?
o   Can the “inhumanity” of a fetus be demonstrated, scientifically?
o   What, specifically, determines that a fetus is not “human”?

Some related questions:

-       - Is the death penalty a “pro-choice” issue?
o   If not, why not?
o   Is the pro/anti-death penalty argument the same as the pro/anti-abortion argument?
§  If “yes”, why? If “no”….why not?

-       - Does the Fourth Amendment protect child abusers, rapists or spouse-beaters, if the aggressor is in his/her own home?

-       - Why, specifically, was slavery wrong? Detail requested…..rather, required.

-       - Was slavery a “private property rights” (Fifth Amendment) issue? (Slaves were considered “possessions” of their “owners”.)

-       - If the issue of slavery is NOT the same, fundamental, argument as abortion, what, specifically, is different (in its principle)?

Personally, I look forward to the day when Conservatives are blamed for abortion. Because it will mean that this horrific court-written legislation will be a thing of the past; having been ended by…..Conservatives. 


By the President of the United States of America:

A Proclamation.

Whereas, on the twenty-second day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand and eighteen, a proclamation was issued by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the following, to wit:
"That on the twenty third day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand and eighteen, all persons, irrespective of stage in life, shall be then, thenceforward, defined as fully human, entitled to all rights, protections and freedoms under the Constitution and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.
And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this twenty-second day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand and eighteen.

By the President.

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