Sunday, January 1, 2017

MY PERSONAL HOPES FOR 2017 (and beyond)

I hope, with all my heart, that 2017 is the year that Americans become more aware of the goings-on in our government.

I hope that 2017 is the year that Americans END the years of complacency, willful ignorance and non-participation that brought us EXACTLY the government we have today.

I hope that 2017 sees a new respect for our founding documents, holding those we elect to account for EVERY decision they make that might attack the sanctity of those documents.

I hope that 2017 sees a level of activism that forces our government into their Constitutional place: as servants of the people, rather than lords over them.

I hope that 2017 sees the fulfillment of Dr. Martin Luther King's vision of true, ACTUAL equality, where a person is not judged by the "...color of their skin...", but rather "...the content of their character."

I hope that 2017 sees a new "Emancipation Proclamation"; this time, to recognize the unborn as worthy of being recognized as "human".

I hope that 2017 sees the recognition that the Bill of Rights grants NO rights; rather, it merely recognizes rights which exist irrespective of Government, and which Government may not take away.

I hope that 2017 sees the recognition that The Constitution defines the structure and duties of our Government.....ONLY; and the Bill of Rights restricts Government's reach.

January 1st, 2017

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