Friday, July 21, 2017


The only time Liberals seem to care about the REAL costs of a Government program is then that program shows a profit…..which is never.

And the only time Liberals care about debts and deficits is when a Republican sits in the Oval Office. (They holler, but do NOTHING about it)

Does this make ANY sense at all? 

Shouldn’t ALL elected officials pay VERY close attention to America’s balance sheet? Shouldn’t our elected officials consider it “good business” to maintain a budget that, at the very least, is revenue neutral?

Yet, no one in Washington (except, for now, President Trump) seems to care HOW MUCH government spends….using dollars it DOESN’T HAVE.

Well, this used to baffle me, too.

That is, until I started looking at the strategy of it all.

And, yes…..these upside-down programs, debts and deficits are tactics, aimed at accomplishing a specific mission.

Anyone remember how President Reagan brought the Soviet Union down?

Reagan employed two primary weapons against the Soviets: money and democratic opposition groups. While he funded groups inside the USSR, he also forced the Soviets to invest overwhelming amounts of dollars on defense (primarily against the SDI program).

Reagan worked to rot the Soviet Union from its structure, while breaking its financial back.

And it worked.

See that parallel?

That is EXACTLY what has been happening in America, by Liberals on BOTH sides of the aisle.

They are attempting to spend America into oblivion. And, while they do that, they fund separatist groups (think TARP, Planned Parenthood, public unions, etc), who rot America’s foundation.

But, now there is a line being drawn in the sand.

The line? President Trump.

Who drew it?


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