Saturday, April 9, 2011

The guy is INCREDIBLE! AMAZING! FANTASTIC! says he (Obama).

Now that a deal has been struck, averting a government shutdown, Obama, of course, is taking credit for it. Not only that, but he's taking credit for saving lots of money! (It's worth noting that Obama wanted to INCREASE spending with this budget, even though he's ALREADY spending around eight times what the government is bringing in...)

So, there he, trying to build his case for reelection, claiming to have been the god of this budget deal.

I'm increasingly confident that, at some point in the near future, we'll get to listen to Obama say, "So....what do you think of the sunset I arranged for you yesterday? Pretty nice, huh?"

After all, he would have as much to do with the setting of the sun as he has had to do with the budget deal (or the Middle East situation).

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