Friday, April 22, 2011

So....have you heard......????

What am I thinking? Of COURSE you haven't heard the news, because the media is completely ignoring it.

It seems as a VERY hush hush investigation is going to take place because of a garage fire that took place last week. The suspected culprit?

A GM (CHEVY) VOLT! Yup...the car that is owned by "Obama Motors" which is going to "save the planet" (evidently, by burning it to the ground...).

Well, I guess that this Volt was plugged in for recharging (burning fossil fuels in some electric plant somewhere), and some folks thought that...perhaps....the battery caught fire. Ooops.

Then came some more bad news...

While segregated for investigation, and UNplugged, the battery on that vehicle ignited AGAIN! ALL BY ITSELF! Imagine that!

Did you hear about it? I doubt it. After wasn't a "Prius".

Here's a prediction:

After being NOT-reported, the investigation will be found to have been "inconclusive": story over.

There'll be no screams of outrage. No demands for recall. No class action lawsuits designed to bring the company down.

The issue will merely go away...

Hirota: out.

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