Thursday, December 22, 2011

How is this possible??

It was reported today that a series of bombings has taken place in Baghdad; killing at least 69 people.

I thought our mission was completed in Iraq? I thought Obama was pulling troops OUT of Iraq?

I thought our presence was no longer needed in Iraq?

Shouldn't al Qaeda be happy, now that we are leaving?

I guess not...

How the Liberals have handled Iraq can best be described as being in a football game. Our team, through the first three quarters, leads by 100 touchdowns.

Then, the head coach of our team says: "WE CAN'T POSSIBLY WIN THIS......WE FORFEIT!"

I'm not sure whether Liberals are afraid of winning or if they are just so used to losing....

Either way, Iraq will now devolve; slide into chaos. Al Qaeda will take over, establishing a hostile terrorist state who's main enemy will be the United States.

And, by the way, with our withdrawal, Obama has rendered the sacrifice of our men and women who've paid the ultimate price for our freedom...meaningless (and thus has fulfilled the wishes, dreams and fantasies of all Liberals...)

Hirota: out

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