Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gosh, what a....hmmm....shock

GDP numbers came out today. Shockingly (well....shockingly, to Liberals), the economy is floundering. FLOUNDERING.

GDP: -.01%

Tow points:

1. Part of the GDP formula figures in Government spending (entitlement handouts, etc). So, considering the PSYCHOTIC trillions the Democrats are dumping into unions, the unemployed, illegal aliens, etc, the economy is FARRRRRRRRRR worse off than just -.01%. Like their attempts to mask (to Liberals) the horrific state of employment, they are now in the same mode in attempting to mask the horrors of the economy.

.....and you re-elected them.

2. Perhaps the more important point, folks, is this:

When Obama, Pelosi, Reid....or ANY Democrat tells you that "the economy is headed in the right direction" (which, of course, they've been carping for the past four years), one important truth should be considered:


As I've stated all along, THIS is EXACTLY their intent: the complete crippling of the economy.

Remember what Rahm said: never let a crisis go to waste.

Hirota: out.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Code words

Liberals LOVE to accuse Conservatives of using code words; words and phrases meant to mask the true meaning of their evil intent.

And, without question, EVERY word uttered by ANY Conservative ends up being a code word.

.....the code word for "racism".

"Failed policies" = racism
"Principled debate" = racism
"Liberal" = racism
"Democrat" = racism
"Obamacare" = racism
"Budget Deficit" = racism
"Constitution" = racism
"The" = racism.....

On and on, Conservatives cannot open their mouths without uttering racial hatred.

...which brings us to today.....

Obama (racist word cuz I said it), stated today that he wants to "expedite" (would have been a racist word, had I said it) eleven MILLION illegal aliens (racist phrase) to citizenship (racist word).

So that reasonable people (non-Liberals) can understand the Democratic Party's language of immigration, here're some key words and phrases, along with what they actually mean:

"Expedite" = blanket amnesty
"Reform" = blanket amnesty
"Help" = blanket amnesty
"Enforcement" = blanket amnesty
"Deportation" = blanket amnesty
"Crack down" = blanket amnesty
"Control our borders" = blanket amnesty
"Entitlement reform" = blanket amnesty
"Strong position" = blanket amnesty
"High on the agenda" = blanket amnesty
on and on.....

To make it easy, folks, just understand this:

Irrespective of WHAT Liberals say about illegal immigration, what they mean is...


That, and automatic membership in the Democratic Party (or the Communist Party, USA...since both parties have the same platform).

Hirota: out. (o crap...."out".....racist....AND homophobic!)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Like husband, like wife...

....or, "stop me if this sounds familiar".....

Hillary, officially, is professing "no knowledge" of numerous pleas for extra security; security that might have lessened the horrific events in Bengazi which, of course, ended with the assassination of the American ambassador.

"I didn't know"...... "I never heard"....."I had no knowledge".....

If you feel like going all the way to the Nuremberg war crimes trial, where the same lines were used as an attempt to excuse the horrors of Nazi Germany (remember that it wasn't " The Nazi Party" but rather "The National Socialist Party"), you certainly don't have to.....

Bill Clinton used the same lines.....the same ignore the genocide Rwanda in the late '90's.

Of course, as was eventually revealed, Clinton knew EXACTLY what was happening. 

And, this hero of Liberals everywhere, Clinton did NOTHING while more than ONE MILLION Christian Tutsis were butchered by Muslim Hutus.

It doesn't really take much of a stretch to guess how the Bengazi massacre will turn terms of the complicity of Obama, Hillary and their gang of morons.....

Hirota: out

Friday, January 25, 2013


Though it seems to make NO sense whatsoever to push toward the Liberalizing of our military (after all, Liberals are peace-loving, "let's talk about it" folks), it makes PERFECT sense when it comes to issues like gun control.



Obama, and the whole Socialist Radical Party that is the Democratic Party, are ABSOLUTELY intent on disarming the citizenry of this great nation.

And the purpose is ABSOLUTELY clear:

Throughout history, people like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pot, sought to fundamentally change the role that government plays with respect to their citizenry:

From "Government existing at the whim of the people" to "Citizenry existing at the whim of Government".

In other words: either the citizenry maintains ultimate control, or Government does.

The Democratic Party's intent is for the Government to completely control the people.

ONLY the Second Amendment stands in the way of their agenda....which is WHY they are working to abolish it.

So, how does this have to do with the military? Simple:

At some point, as the Government erodes the Second Amendment, the citizenry will have to take a stand.

The Democrats, clever as they are, will pronounce, through Executive Order, ANY attempt by the citizenry to defend their Constitutional Rights, as "insurrection"; thereby clearing the way, by side-stepping Posse Comitatis, to use the military to put down the "insurrection".

Currently, when well over 70% of the military vote Republican, it is VERY likely that, in such a case, they would refuse to act against the citizenry; as they are bound not by any person or persons, but rather by The Constitution.

The more Liberal the military, the likelier this will NOT be the case, as a Liberal military will share the goals of the Democratic Party; to control the citizenry.

Get it?

Too far-fetched? Too goofy? Too "sky is falling"?

Read a history book.

Specifically, read THIS one:

Hirota: extremely concerned.

Thursday, January 24, 2013's "art"!

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What's your middle name??

A friend of mine sent a link to me this morning (thanks, "M") from The Orange Juice Blog:

Rather than commenting on the piece, which I'll leave to you folks to read for yourself, I'd like to simply correct a couple of deliberate mischaracterizations my friend, Vern, laid down.

And, since he was gracious enough to offer these mischaracterizations in a public forum, I thought it'd be nice to a public forum.

Here's the quote:

"Hirota, who wrote for this blog for a short time, but now sticks to his own “Brainy Cattle” blog, is the kind of unreconstructed, gleefully “politically incorrect,” last-decade Republican that the GOP is trying to get away from –not only hateful to liberals and unions but contemptuous of gays and immigrants ."

Now, to be sure, some of this he got just right. I am ABSOLUTELY politically incorrect. Deal with it.

"Last decade Republican"? Yeah, ok.....that's an opinion, which carries as much validity as MY opinion that "no, I'm a Conservative, who (like MANY others), is seeking to rid myself of the Republican Party....or, more accurately, rid the GOP of the Liberal 'fifth column'.

On to the fun part.....

"...not only hateful to liberals and unions but contemptuous of gays and immigrants."

Hateful to Liberals? Sorry. Nope. "Hate" is an emotion; one which requires focus and effort. A better word would be "indifferent"; I'm indifferent to, and about, Liberals."

Hateful to unions? Sorry....needs some clarity here. I have no particular love for private sector unions (and have commented on this in the past), I recognize that, SOMETIMES, they are quite necessary.

I DO see no use whatsoever for PUBLIC unions. In fact, the public sector union, if anything, serve to prove that Governments are corrupt. And the public unions are part of that corruption.

"...contemptuous of gays...". Fabrication. Nothing more. I am on record as believing that I do not care how people conduct their private lives, as long as a) they accept ALL responsibility for their decisions and b) in the scope of their decisions, they do not violate the rights of anyone else.

How do gays fit into this?  Certain groups/organizations of gays are intent the creation of laws which specifically favor them. This is both unconstitutional against what Liberals profess to believe about equality. (If you'd like more on this, I'd be happy to expound).

So, to be clear: It's not the "gay", it's the deliberate irresponsibility for one's decisions and the attempt to violate the rights of others in doing so.

And finally.....

"...contemptuous of...immigrants."

Please note that Vern didn't say "ILLEGAL immigrants".  This, folks, is intentional; intended to portray me as someone who is "contemptuous" of ALL immigrants; both legal and illegal.

And, again, I have a LONG record...MANY writings....defending those here legally from those (like Michele Martinez and Lou Correa) who wish to forsake their own constituents in favor for those here ILlegally.

Now, I don't actually expect reasonable response from the OJB folks.

After all, I'd NEVER want to be accused of disturbing their blissful slumber of ignorance....

What's your middle name, Vern, old buddy?

....shame, shame....

Hirota: out.

OH.....and one more thing.....thank you for spelling my name right!  :-)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Worth the time to contemplate.....

Check out this read from Ann Coulter.

Typical of Ann, she does what Liberal HATE the most: lays out the facts and history.

But anyway.......

Ever wonder WHY Democrats don't bother addressing the REAL root of this issue?

Answer is simple, folks:


That's right....they'd be going after their own base!

There is one other reason, but I'll get to that later....

Hirota: out.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The ONLY meaningful gun control law...

Obama is busy right now considering 19 different proposals for gun control.

And....ALL OF THEM ARE EXECUTIVE ORDERS, meaning that his decision to overturn the Second Amendment will be a unilateral decision, made without the consent of Congress, the Judiciary or the governed.

A couple points are worth mentioning:

1. This IS exactly what other leaders, like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Mussolini, did....a unilateral decision to remove the citizenry's capacity to defend itself from its own government. The results are obvious.

2. Obama's move IS EXACTLY WHY The Second Amendment was written.

3. There is ONLY ONE meaningful gun control law that would have a REAL, POSITIVE impact on gun related crimes. Certainly, screening for criminal history is important and should remain (they get their guns illegally, anyway, so it doesn't matter). A "psychological evaluation" by way of questionnaire should be part of the screening process. And the ONLY question that needs to be asked is:
ARE YOU A LIBERAL? Y/N. IN the background check, voting records would be thoroughly checked to see whether the person has ever voted for a Democrat. If so, along with checking the "Y", that gun owner should NOT be allowed to purchase a gun. PERIOD.

It is a matter of fact that convicted felons OVERWHELMINGLY are Democrats.

It is also a matter of fact that nearly ALL gun-related crimes (and nearly ALL crimes, in general) are committed by people who either have supported Democrats or have voted for Democrats.

So the solution is simple:

Want to reduce crime? Want to reduce gun-related violence?


Folks, The Second Amendment was written SPECIFICALLY to protect the means of defense for this citizenry against the tyranny of its own government.

Right now, the government is working to remove that means of defense.

Allowed to do so, without active opposition, the citizenry.....THE CITIZENRY, NOT THE GOVERNMENT...renders The Second Amendment (and the entire Constitution, for that matter) a worthless, meaningless piece of parchment.

The decision lies not with our government.

The decision lies with US.

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Riddle me this.....

If expanding abortion rights to "unlimited" status is supposed to keep abortions, as HIllary puts it, "legal, safe and rare", then, if we REALLY want to reduce gun violence, why don't we work to keep guns "legal, safe and rare" by exanding "carry" laws to unlimited status?

They didn't learn the first time..... the F*** makes you think that they'll learn the SECOND time???

So, now that it's known that Obama's biggest supporters are the ones most negatively affect terms of unemployment, it's now been revealed that they are ALSO being negatively impacted with respect to tax burden!

Go figure.

Check out these quotes....just a tiny representation, mind you...from some of Obama's voters:

@CZebari22 Damn the taxes killed me. I should have voted Romney
@crushonchrissy I'm starting to regret voting for Obama.
@gekka_88 I have a friend who voted for Obama publicly complaining about the new #SS tax raise. I would just like to say: You did this to yourself.

@VAisforlovas But really how am I ever supposed to pay off my student loans if my already small paycheck keeps getting smaller? Help a sister out, Obama

One comment on the liberal site whined:

What happened that my Social Security withholding’s in my paycheck just went up? My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don’t feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease is gonna’ hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over 400 grand. What happened?”

Another comment, by “DemocratToTheEnd” was, “My boyfriend has had a lot of expenses and is feeling squeezed right now, and having his paycheck shrink really didn’t help.”

 “Nancy Thongkham” gave a measured response to the new taxes she would have to pay: “F***ing Obama! F*** you! This taking out more taxes s*** better f***ing help me out!! Very upset to see my paycheck less today!”

 “_Alex™” was more resigned: “Obama I did not vote for you so you can take away a lot of money from my checks.”

“Dave” had the most honest reaction: “Obama is the biggest f***ing liar in the world. Why the f*** did I vote for him”?

All these and more can be found here:

Folks, there's no "buyer's remorse" in Presidential elections. We are stuck this idiot for one, simple reason:


And.......let's keep THIS in mind:

HE HASN'T EVEN BEEN INAUGURATED YET! So we are in the EARLIEST part of the coming bending-over.

To "Dave"'s comment (which applies to ALL of them):

The answer to your question, Dave, is: BECAUSE YOU ARE A F***ING IDIOT!

Is all this somehow encouraging?  All these Liberals who now are being screwed by the guy for whom they voted? Should the rest of us (the smart ones) feel secure that these people will make the right choice next time?

Please....folks.....leave "stupid" to the Liberals.

Of COURSE they won't learn.

Hillary, or Giffords, or some other incompetent Liberal idiot will be running in 2016, and ALL these idiots above WILL BE VOTING FOR THEM.......BECAUSE THEY WILL NEVER LEARN.

"Fool me once, shame on you"

"Fool me twice, shame on me"

"Fool me a THIRD time, I'm OBVIOUSLY a Democrat"

Hirota: out.

Unilateral action

Read this article, especially the quotes, VERY carefully.

What these Liberals are talking about is EXACTLY why the Second Amendment was written:

This government, even in CONTEMPLATING this action, is acting without the consent of the governed and, therefore, according to our founding documents, subject to removal by whatever means necessary.

Let's keep another thing in mind:

This action, an executive order, executive finding or executive action, is EXACTLY how Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc.....disarmed THEIR citizenry.

HOPEFULLY, the difference will ultimately be this:

In these past cases, ALL of which lead to genocide, the citizenry either didn't act or acted FAR too late.

Here, in America, we have to opportunity to stop it in it's tracks.

Hirota: out.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

....AND, again.....

You've certainly heard about the New York Journal News, a Liberal newspaper (gee....ya think?) who recently made public EVERY name and address of EVERY gun owner in two New York counties?

Well, their stated objective for this exercise was to gain entry to "the big leagues" and become nationally-known.

It worked.....unfortunately for them...

First, they heard from the "criminal block" (a growing, staunchly Democratic Party voting group), who stated, simply, that this report was WONDERFUL news to them and their colleagues, who (they stated) will use this as a "reverse shopping list". You see, if your name and address are NOT on that published list, then you have an unarmed household....which makes you easy pickings.

Second, the newspaper has hired security....ARMED security.....for fear of reprisal (they should be reminded that, for the most part, these gun owners are Conservative. The only REAL danger to this newspaper is if any of these published people are Liberals). A WONDERFUL headline:


And, finally, today.....the sweetest piece of news of all:

Turns out that subscriptions for the newspaper are in free fall!

Learn a lesson from this....actually, TWO lessons:

1. The intent of gun registration is EXACTLY what groups like the NRA suggest: they are a means of making a private issue public and, then, a means of confiscation.

2. VOTE WITH YOUR DOLLARS. Let's put this newspaper out of business.

Hirota: out.



...Now you get to sleep in it....

So, January unemployment figures are out.

And, although the overall rate is basically flat (so much for the seasonal 'bounce'), there IS one VERY interesting part of the figures....

Seems as two groups are experiencing growing unemployment numbers.....growing more aggressively than the general population.



Now, let's see.......which two groups were two of THE largest supporters of the Obama campaign?

OHHHHHH....that's right:



You were fooled once.  Then, you were fooled again.

Blacks, women: just HOW stupid ARE you?

I believe we have our answer.....

Hirota: out. the way....


Krauthammer just made the case FOR Hagel's nomination

Pay careful attention to this piece. Charles Krauthammer, who, without doubt, is one of the great Conservative minds today, spells out Chuck Hagel's history of bad decisions (regarding national defense). How often is Chuck made the wrong call?

100% of the time.

What Krauthammer DOESN'T realize is this:

He just made the case for Hagel approval.

Obama has YET to hire a single competent person, most recently witnessed by the John Kerry decision.

So.......what makes ANYONE think that he ought to start making quality choices now, with Hagel?

(Hint: incompetent people tend to school....for fish)

Hirota: out

Monday, January 7, 2013


....when did Ron Wood get elected to Congress????

A liar and a hypocrite....

Carolyn McCarthy

Carolyn McCarthy, a New York LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Congressman, will do ANYTHING and say ANYTHING to take away your Second Amendment rights.


This past week, said McCarthy with regard to gun control, "These devices are used to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time possible, and we owe it to innocent Americans everywhere to keep them out of the hands of dangerous people.”

Granted, this is typical Liberalism, which, in the past, was practiced by others of the same mind (Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pot, etc...).

What was particularly remarkable about McCarthy's comments was what she then said:

“We don’t even allow hunters to use them — something’s deeply wrong if we’re protecting game more than we’re protecting innocent human beings.”

Let's read that again:

"Something’s deeply wrong if we’re protecting game more than we’re protecting innocent human beings.”

Frankly, I couldn't agree MORE with the Congressman.

Let's take a look at HER record, shall we?

According to "Project Vote Smart" (, which tracks, among other things, "interest group ratings", McCarthy ( carries the following ratings:

With regard to ABORTION:
From NARAL (PRO ABORTION): 100% approval rating
From Planned Parenthood (PRO ABORTION): 100% apporval rating
These, and more, can be found here:

On the issue of ANIMAL RIGHTS:
From The Humane Society (PRO Animal rights): 100% approval rating
From "Defenders of wildlife action fund" (PRO Animal rights): 100% approval rating
These, and more, can be found here:

So, you are right, Congressman McCarthy: something IS DEEPLY wrong.

You claim to believe that humans SHOULD be protected more than animals, yet.....LEGISLATIVELY, you ONLY protect animals; offering ZERO protection of innocent human lives.

Folks, PLEASE spread the word....

Hirota: out.

Obama's "stunning admission"....


Evidently, Obama made a "stunning admission" to John Boehner the other day.

When reminded of the ridiculous debt deal, said Obama, "We don't have a spending problem."

No....seriously, folks, that's what he said......that Democrats "don't have a spending problem".

Kinda reminds me of that old joke that goes like:

Accusing a VERY drunk....CONSTANTLY drunk....friend that they might have a drinking problem, the friend's response was, "No, I don't have a drinking problem. I drink. I fall down. No problem!"

The Democrats don't have a spending problem.

They spend.

The country loses ALL it's wealth.


Hirota: out.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


No, I'm not talking about Obama and the Liberals.

I'm talking about Americans, in general.

The way to understand the results of the latest "fiscal cliff" deal is this:

Imagine you and your spouse sitting down and having this conversation:

"We are currently spending 160% of our annual income. OBVIOUSLY, this needs to stop!"

"I agree, so let's do this: We'll stop paying our electric bill, and apply for 40 new credit cards."

"Yes.....YES! That makes sense to me! That will DEFINITELY get us out of debt!"

....and THAT'S where we are, folks; with a Congress and President doing whatever they please because voters are too stupid to stop it.

Hirota: out.

PS- Say "hello" to the New Year, and "goodbye" to your money.

Liberal "upward mobility"....

Kathy Griffin, the Madonna of the comedy world (do ANYTHING to get noticed), shows us how Liberals get promoted....