Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gosh, what a....hmmm....shock

GDP numbers came out today. Shockingly (well....shockingly, to Liberals), the economy is floundering. FLOUNDERING.

GDP: -.01%

Tow points:

1. Part of the GDP formula figures in Government spending (entitlement handouts, etc). So, considering the PSYCHOTIC trillions the Democrats are dumping into unions, the unemployed, illegal aliens, etc, the economy is FARRRRRRRRRR worse off than just -.01%. Like their attempts to mask (to Liberals) the horrific state of employment, they are now in the same mode in attempting to mask the horrors of the economy.

.....and you re-elected them.

2. Perhaps the more important point, folks, is this:

When Obama, Pelosi, Reid....or ANY Democrat tells you that "the economy is headed in the right direction" (which, of course, they've been carping for the past four years), one important truth should be considered:


As I've stated all along, THIS is EXACTLY their intent: the complete crippling of the economy.

Remember what Rahm said: never let a crisis go to waste.

Hirota: out.

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