Though it seems to make NO sense whatsoever to push toward the Liberalizing of our military (after all, Liberals are peace-loving, "let's talk about it" folks), it makes PERFECT sense when it comes to issues like gun control.
Obama, and the whole Socialist Radical Party that is the Democratic Party, are ABSOLUTELY intent on disarming the citizenry of this great nation.
And the purpose is ABSOLUTELY clear:
Throughout history, people like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pot, sought to fundamentally change the role that government plays with respect to their citizenry:
From "Government existing at the whim of the people" to "Citizenry existing at the whim of Government".
In other words: either the citizenry maintains ultimate control, or Government does.
The Democratic Party's intent is for the Government to completely control the people.
ONLY the Second Amendment stands in the way of their agenda....which is WHY they are working to abolish it.
So, how does this have to do with the military? Simple:
At some point, as the Government erodes the Second Amendment, the citizenry will have to take a stand.
The Democrats, clever as they are, will pronounce, through Executive Order, ANY attempt by the citizenry to defend their Constitutional Rights, as "insurrection"; thereby clearing the way, by side-stepping Posse Comitatis, to use the military to put down the "insurrection".
Currently, when well over 70% of the military vote Republican, it is VERY likely that, in such a case, they would refuse to act against the citizenry; as they are bound not by any person or persons, but rather by The Constitution.
The more Liberal the military, the likelier this will NOT be the case, as a Liberal military will share the goals of the Democratic Party; to control the citizenry.
Get it?
Too far-fetched? Too goofy? Too "sky is falling"?
Read a history book.
Specifically, read THIS one:
Hirota: extremely concerned.
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