Monday, May 13, 2013


Liberals in the media are trying to bury the Gosnell case. To be precise, Liberals DO NOT want the public to know about the horrors..the reality...of abortion; and the Gosnell case does just that.

Liberals in the media are working furiously to bury the Benghazi fiasco. Why? Because Liberals DO NOT want the public to know that their own people (Obama and Hillary, in this case) are incompetent, gutless, spineless idiots who know NOTHING about National Security, here or abroad; and Benghazi case does exactly that!

These are just a couple recent cases.

History is replete with this behavior from Liberals:

- Embryonic stem cell research: they don't want you to know that it REQUIRES an abortion and has produced exactly ZERO positive results.

- Slavery: they don't want you to know that it was THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY that protected, defended and expanded slavery. And, the Ku Klux Klan was simply an extension of the Democratic Party (just ask DEMOCRAT Senator Robert Byrd)

It goes on and on, folks....

Liberals aren't interested in the truth. They aren't interested in the notion of equality (NOT Government-defined equality, but rather equality, as defined by our founding documents: "Unalienable rights" kind of equality...).

Well...this little piece of news came out today....

Liberals in the Justice Department going after the Associated Press; a DECIDEDLY Liberal media piece.

I wonder if they'll figure it out?

I wonder if they'll EVER come to understand that either EVERYONE (including the unborn) is equal, or NO ONE is?

....I doubt it.

Liberals just aren't that intelligent.

Hirota: out.

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