Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Harry and Nancy

Two of the Axis of Idiots (the third, of course, is Obama) have come out with statements so remarkably moronic....so unfathomably imbecilic, so completely mind-numbing in their stupidity that ONLY a Liberal could POSSIBLY believe them....

Said Nancy, a couple days ago:

"The Affordable Care Act is bringing the cost of health care in our country down in both the public and private sector. And that is what is largely responsible for the deficit coming down."


A couple things:

- The deficit ISN'T "going down". In fact, it's INCREASING at least ONE TRILLION per year.

- Obamacare, itself, is costing AT LEAST twice what has been claimed (AND MOST OF IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN IMPLEMENTED YET!)

Said Harry today, speaking on the Gosnell case:

"What led to these convictions of murder of this man is the fact that people have been pushed back into these holes to do something that's legal.

"To keep pushing these clinics back into situations where we wind up like this is wrong. I think that no matter how you stand on the issue of abortion, people who make that decision should do it and not have to be worried about infections and some butcher like this doing the bad things that they did. It should be in a place that is clean and sterile and have people who know what they’re doing and care about what they do."

A couple more things:

- If protecting women is the issue, if you want 'clean and sterile', why did Democrats DEFEAT legislation meant to accomplish just that?

- The Gosnell case (along with several others that are surfacing right now) has NOTHING to do with the legality of abortion. Rather, they are happening BECAUSE abortion is legal. Women have moved (in Liberal parlance) from the back alleys to Government-sponsored back alleys.

Congratulations, ladies.

Aside from the fact that NEITHER Nancy NOR Harry make ANY sense whatsoever (perhaps I'm just not 'nuanced' enough...), they're both dead wrong. They have it EXACTLY, PRECISELY bass-ackwards.

NONE of which matters, since their supporters just aren't that bright....

Hirota: out.

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