Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gosnell case demonstrates Liberal intent...

I recently posted a piece, claiming that Liberals are completely without concern for women (or blacks, or Hispanics, or Homosexuals, etc....for that matter).

Bringing to light the fact that the Liberal media has worked aggressively to bury the Gosnell story and then failing to even SUGGEST any measures which would prevent Gosnell-like cases from happening again, it was very clear to me that what Liberals care about is abortion. ONLY abortion. The "woman" part of the abortion issue is nothing more than a useless appendage to Liberals.

Yes, I caught a LOT of flack.

Not the first time.

And also....not for the first time.....I've been proven correct.

Check out this article:

While Liberals are BLOCKING effort to increase sanitary environments in abortion clinics, they are, at the same time, committed to only "condemning" people like Gosnell.

In other words: Liberals choose to condemn, and take ABSOLUTELY NO ACTION.

And, to bring focus to the blocking of efforts to increase sanitary conditions in abortion clinics:

This is aimed DIRECTLY at women; since there's no need to maintain sanitary conditions around a butchered child....

Liberals, in this blocking, are letting women know that they do not matter to them.

....and yet, these women continue to worship Liberals and Liberalism.... bizarre as it is stupid.

Folks: THIS is why societies fail.

Hirota: out.

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