Friday, July 26, 2013

Have some faith!

So, the President of "American Atheists", David Silverman, was on Fox News, commenting on how a certain memorial to Holocaust victims should "just be about Jews"....

Check it out:

In fact (in part), I agree with him.....the Holocaust WASN'T only about Jews....but that's another blog...

No, the reason I make mention of the "American Atheists" is simply this:



Think about it, folks: Whether you believe in Darwin, God (or some deity) or absence of God (or some deity), you are a person of faith.

And, let's face facts, EVERY person on the planet falls into one of these categories. Therefore, EVERYONE on the planet has faith.

That is to say, every person on the planet believes in something which is unproven.

How about Darwin, you ask?

Do the research: has ANY POSITIVE, CONCLUSIVE proof EVER been found in support of speciation (one species, through a series of random mutations, becomes another species)?

The answer is NO. NO, no proof exists.

( the research....even Darwin doubted his theories surrounding speciation....).

Therefore, FAITH is required of believers in Darwinism.

Belief in a deity is certainly to most commonly target of faith-bashers. 

Let's face it: "God", or other deities, cannot be proven to exist.

Therefore, FAITH is required of those believers in God or other deities.

Finally, the "American Atheists".

Since "God" (or other deities) cannot be proven, it follows that the NON-EXISTENCE of God (or other deities) ALSO cannot be proven.

Therefore: FAITH is required of followers of Atheism. FAITH. 

You see, folks, it makes NO sense whatsoever to bash "the faithful", because we...ALL OF US...are "The Faithful"; irrespective of what it is we believe....

God Bless you all.

Hirota: out.

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