Friday, February 21, 2014

Not to worry, people!

Where have the last four years gone??!!

So, it's the four year anniversary of "Let's Move"; Michelle Obama's big push to rid America of obesity.

And, really, from the reports and fawning of the media, the program has been a STUNNING success!

Remarkable, really, when you think about it!

I have to think that, when she announces her run for President in 2016, she'll be pointing out "Let's Move" as one her biggest successes.....among many!

There's just this one, small, problem....

Obesity rate in the US is up.


Check it out (and pay attention to the fact that this is from THE HUFFINGTON POST.....PSYCHO-LIBERALS):


Looks like Michelle's "stunning success" follows the successes of her husband, her Party and her ideology: FAIL. EPIC FAIL.

But, like I said......not to worry, people.

The media, largely, will ignore this. Democrat voters, completely, will ignore this.

And Michelle will ride the wave of the HUGE failure of her ONLY contribution to her position as FLOTUS....

....right over Hillary and into the White House.

Hirota: out.

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