Saturday, May 17, 2014


Certainly, by now, you've seen this picture:

This perfectly exemplifies the Democrat Party. And pretty much sums up what her husband is doing about the problem.

Like the morons who have "FREE TIBET" bumper stickers on their cars....people who are very likely unable to point out Tibet on a map, BTW...thinking they've done something profound and significant by taking the action of slapping a bumper sticker on their car, so Michelle Obama believes she's REALLY helping those poor girls being kidnapped, raped, mutilated and forced into slavery by....


And, in truth, this is a mere reflection of the psychology that drives the Democrat Party: Do something COMPLETELY meaningless; send attack media out to demand the world give praise and worship (for the worthless act).

We see it over and over: Darfur, Rwanda, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Russia.....even right here in the US.

In truth, what Michelle accomplishes is LESS than worthless. But to her "hail, Mary, wife of God" worshippers, Michelle's #diplomacy is nothing short of heroic and brave.

Somehow, I doubt Boko Haram is concerned...

What WOULD fix this problem is this: Wipe Boko Haram out.

Democrats....from Barack to Michelle to Hillary to Harry to of them:

#worthless, #gutless, #meaningless, #socialists, #statists, #butchersofchildren

Hirota: #out.


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