Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nothing to hide? Duh.

John Kerry is going to cooperate with the Benghazi subpoena? Forgive me, but I didn't think that that was much of an option. Well, perhaps since he's a Democrat......

PEOPLE: Who CARES whether the idiot Kerry "cooperates"????? HE DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING!  And, as you know, people who know nothing have nothing to hide!

Kerry probably thinks Benghazi starred in "Anatomy of a murder"...

What America SHOULD be asking is: WHERE IS HILLARY?????

The Benghazi nightmare is ALL Hillary and Barack.

Don't you see what's happening?

It's EXACTLY what I said would happen!

The media is throwing stones at Obama, creating distance between him and Hillary; all in preparation for 2016.

And Kerry? That's easy: he's going to be made the scapegoat, again, to insulate Hillary.

This is Hillary's mess. And it's a perfect example of how she'll be in office: Nero.

Hirota: out

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