Friday, June 27, 2014

Worth checking out

Sunday, June 22, 2014

How now, brown cow?

If they're 'somehow' scrubbed from backup, doesn't that prove intent?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Why is this even news?

Margaret Sanger, eugenicist and founder of Planned Parenthood, was very vocal in her belief that abortion was THE tool which could control certain segments of the population.

So, why is this even news?

This would be like a headline reading "Sun came up this morning!"

Monday, June 16, 2014

Get the picture?

I KNOW, for fact, that Liberals don't care.

But the rest of us? Shouldn't we?

Lois Lerner......"lost" a bunch of emails (she might check the 'deleted' and 'sent' files; her own along with all those with whom she communicated).

Remember Sandy Berger? (

Holder......being directed by Obama to have his personal National Security archives PERMANENTLY sealed?

Getting the picture?

(Remember: people don't hide things they are proud of)

Hirota: out.

Dead broke.

C'mon, Democrats......Rahm gets it. Why don't YOU???

Hillary's latest claim is that she and Philanderin' Bill were "dead broke and even in debt" upon leaving the White House.

Broke and in debt.

Then news comes out that, upon leaving the White House, their tax returns claim that year's income was $12 MILLION (that's "million" with a capital "M").

To this, I say: SO WHAT!?!

Remember, folks.....these are Democrats. A $12 MILLION income doesn't mean they have any money left over after they spend it like drunken sailors (no....not a Kennedy joke...this time).

(NOTE: My apologies, men and women wearing Navy's a turn of phrase and NOT a slight against you....)

What if they spent $20 Million during that year? That's a LOT of 24-hr spank-o-vision and hookers for Billy BOINGGGGGG!

IF it is true that, with a $12 MILLION income, the Clintons still managed to be in debt, it's only because they are acting like....



Hirota: out.

It's deliberate; make NO mistake about it.

Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat who believes that abortion just dandy with Jesus, is at it much for the "separation of Church and state"...

The important lesson here, folks, ISN'T that the idiot Pelosi is warning a Catholic Church official.


The important thing here is her DELIBERATE misrepresentation of the real issue.

This ISN'T about Catholics not judging homosexuals, though Nancy (and ALL Democrats) would have you believe otherwise (because if you DON'T believe it, they are all out of a job). The Pope clarified (brilliantly, I believe) the Church's position on homosexuality: (in a nutshell) judgment of a Special rights some and not

Yet, Pelosi ties the two together and sells it as a package; a "Catholics....and Republicans....hate homosexuals because.....".

They do the same thing with blacks, women, the environment, science.....whatever.

Stupid. And Wrong.

BUT....affective, since followers of Democrats aren't interested in the truth of the matter. Not interested in facts. Not interested in history. And, as much as they claim otherwise, not interested in scientific fact.

No, they believe what they are TOLD to believe and they are NOT encouraged to question.

(I recall having a debate with a Democrat about recessions and deficits; Clinton/Bush. Of course, he towed the "Clinton ran a surplus and Bush sank us into a recession". And truly, as long as you don't actually do any research, that seems about right.....until, that is, you DO the research. I showed him...right then and there.....the GAO reports of deficits-by-year. Turns out that America was IN a recession many months BEFORE Bush took office. The reports showed this plainly. Democrat friend said...and I kid you not..."I see that. I see what you are saying. I see the numbers. I DON'T CARE!)

And THAT, folks, pretty much sums it up.

Hirota: out.

This, folks, is what you get.....

Folks, when you elect a President who has never managed anything...ever, has never made a hard decision (highest "present" votes in Congress) and who surrounds himself with people even LESS capable than he, what, exactly, can you expect?

Since 2008, North Korea aggression is on the rise. Syria is blowing up. Egypt is blowing up. Iran is blowing up. Iraq is blowing up. Afghanistan is blowing up.

Again.....what, exactly do you expect when the Democrats' foreign policy is "we surrender"?

Hirota: out.

Iran, Iraq

Looks like Iran is FINALLY going to win the Iran/Iraq war...thanks to the Democrats:

(Any readers of Tom Clancy novels knows what the outcome will likely be).

Hirota: out.


Pray for the people of Iraq, please, folks.

Iraq is under siege. Radical Islamists, who've been growing, training and re-arming since the day our gutless-coward-in-chief "ended" the war (while we....and the people of Iraq....were winning), are now conducting mass executions of the citizenry.

These Muslim terrorists are doing in Iraq what Muslim Hutus did in Rwanda.....and are getting the same reaction from Democrats in America. (See the common denominators, here? Muslims...Democrats....cowardice...).

In Rwanda, Clinton's cowardice lead to nearly ONE MILLION dead Tutsis.

How many dead Iraqis will decorate Obama's crown of cowardice?

And, even now, while he's golfing and vacationing, Iraq burns.

And, truly, perhaps it's BETTER that he, and the rest of the Democrats, do absolutely nothing, because what he HAS done officially has served to strengthen the resolve of the terrorists, embolden them and given them assurance that they are free and unrestrained to execute their butchery:

(And, before you think that an "air only" campaign is a great idea, remember that this was Clinton's strategy in Kosovo, and it ended up VASTLY increasing the civilian casualties).

The LATEST official response from America: EVACUATE THE EMBASSY. (That should hearten the people...)

Pathetic. Truly pathetic.

The Democrats making the decisions (Congress isn't really involved yet, remember.....this is his 'brilliant' academics in his administration) are buffoons. Clowns, no more capable of making real decisions than Bill Clinton is capable of viewing ANY woman as anything other than a 'lay'.

As for Obama?

Half black, half white, ALL yellow.

Hirota: out.

Fail. Not surprising at all, but

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"Cosmic View", gun control and Democrats

Ever read "Cosmic View"? No?

You really should check it out; not only because it illustrates my point in this piece, but offers VERY cool perspective on the universe!

Find it here:

What does "Cosmic View" have to do with gun control and Democrats?

Consider the number of mass shootings in the past few years.

In their wake, Democrats scream "GUN CONTROL!!!". Stimulus, response. Stimulus, response. In their actions and reactions, Democrats are absolutely predictable. In another day and age, they would have been known as "Pavlov's Democrats".

Yet, what Democrats fail to consider (for VERY good them) is the fact that, in nearly every one of these tragedies, there are common denominators. In fact, so frequent are these common denominators that FAILURE to recognize them is all the proof needed to demonstrate that Democrats are hiding the truth about this issue.

C'mon.....seriously.....NO ONE could be THAT stupid or ignorant, so as to miss these blatantly obvious commonalities!

What are those common denominators?

1. Nearly every mass shooting in recent history took place in a "gun-free zone".
2. Nearly every mass shooting in recent history was perpetrated by a Democrat.

To the first point:  as Democrats demand gun control in the wake of each shooting, they fail to see that these shootings take place in places where gun control IS the law. And yet, guns, SOMEHOW, find their way.....ILLEGALLY.....into these gun-free zones and the shootings happen...some deranged Democrat (sorry....I meant 'idiot') takes a gun into a "gun-free zone" and opens fire; presumably KNOWING that he (or she) will be able to carry out their grisly deed unhindered by anyone with a gun. 

To the second point: The perpetrators are nearly all Democrats (or otherwise Liberal, regardless of political party affiliation). Why? When you consider the fundamental philosophy of Liberalism.....choice without becomes immediately clear: NO CONSEQUENCE. No personal responsibility, and no concern for the rights of others.

Democrats, through the years, have sown the seeds of irresponsibility and non-accountability, and now they...we all...reap their harvest.

So, what does "Cosmic View" have to do with any of this?

Back to the first point: if "gun-free zones" are the preferred hunting grounds for psychopathic Democrats, what will happen if Democrats DO get their way and turn AMERICA into a "gun-free zone"? After all, smuggling a gun into a campus (or wherever) "gun-free zone" is no more difficult than smuggling a gun across a border. (Eric Holder proved that with "Fast and Furious"...which is STILL killing our law enforcement officers to this day....).

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Explanations and insight

The other day, I posted a piece titled "Quiz", which posed the question "What do these (all today's headlines) have in common?"

Naturally, I received LOTS of personal email (which, BTW, everyone is free to do at, as folks who read this blog tend not to be bloggers (we have jobs).

Anyway, those emails ranged from strong understanding (Conservatives) to abject bafflement and hostility (Democrats).

Those baffled and hostile tended to wonder how these headlines could POSSIBLY be the result of Democrat action and legislation, as I suggested.

First, let's define "Liberal" (Democrat) and "Conservative" (not necessarily Republican) terms of philosophy (which plays out in legislation):

Conservatives believe that anyone can make any personal choice. However, they must accept and 'own' ALL consequences and responsibilities of that choice. Also, that choice cannot violate the rights of others.

Liberals (Democrats) also believe that anyone can make any personal choice. BUT, Liberals (Democrats) believe that there is NO personal responsibility or need for acceptance of consequence of that choice. Also, Liberals (Democrats) believe that they are free to make any choice, irrespective of whether it violates the rights of others.

In terms of legislation, these philosophies result in VERY different intents and outcomes.

"Republican" legislation (except those drafted by Liberal Republicans) force personal responsibility on choice-makers, while Democrat legislation tends to force some segment of society (other than the choice-maker) to bear the responsibility of the choice-maker's choice. In addition, Democrat legislation is never concerned with whether a choice might violate the rights of others.

Examples of Democrat philosophy, played out in legislation?

How about abortion law? (Forces a child to take the responsibility for a woman's choice, then grotesquely violates the unalienable rights of that child.

Certainly, a VERY obvious example. But if you look closer, to other legislation, you'll see the same Democrat philosophy played out:

- Affirmative Action
- (In the past) slavery
- Welfare
- Public schooling
- Medicare
- Social Security

These are only a few, and they follow, precisely, the Democrat philosophy of "no personal responsibility" and "who cares who's rights I violate?".

So, when I wrote the piece the other day, it was with this in mind.

If you'd like to see a glaring example, current right now, check this out...

(Let's be clear: Democrats drive the "gay marriage" issue and Democrat legislation has resulted in the horrific numbers of broken families today, so....they OWN this)

After reading, what you SHOULD be asking yourself is "WHY????"

Why on earth would Democrats support this, KNOWING that the children pay a terrible price for their "parents'" choices?

The answer is simple.

The underlying goal to Democrat philosophy is the destruction of the family.

What lies beneath that is the destruction of "God". (The concept of "God" cannot be destroyed as long as the concept of "family" exists.....just ask the Soviets, the ChiComs and the Nazis).

Better yet, ask Hillary. Or Barack. Or Nancy. Or Harry. Or......

Friday, June 6, 2014


Ever hear of Emperor Norton? No? Here's his (Wiki) story:

Why, on earth, bring up Emperor Norton?

Simple: his story is being played out today.... the "gay" community.

Specifically, the notion (perhaps I should say 'norton') of "gay marriage".

LOTS of headlines in the news these days about states and courts allowing "gay marriage".

But, just as Emperor Norton was delusional...believing that he was the Emperor of the United States (and protector of Mexico), so "gays" are delusional in believing that their union is marriage.

Marriage, throughout history, has always been one man, one woman. And, although there have been many attempts to change that definition (multiple marriages, etc), marriage remains one man, one woman.

The bottom line....the this:

"Emperor Norton", although recognized as "Emperor", in truth never was. And nothing will EVER change that fact.

"Gay marriage" isn't marriage; irrespective of what the law supposes. And nothing will EVER change that fact.

Hirota: out.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Setting the precedent......

THIS is why the Second Amendment exists......

I'm convinced! How about you?


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Scorched earth

According to Wikipedia:

"A scorched earth policy is a military strategy which involves destroying anything that might be useful to the enemy while advancing through or withdrawing from an area. It is a military strategy where all of the assets that are used or can be used by the enemy are targeted, such as food sources, transportation, communications, industrial resources, and even the people in the area."

Remember when Saddam Hussein, exiting Kuwait and being brutally put down by the coalition, torched all the oil fields?

Same thing is happening today, folks. Right here in the good ol' USofA.

The Democrats, led by the lord jesus christ ( 'caps'...) himself, are sensing that they are going to have their electoral asses handed to them in the coming elections (seems as Americans REALLY don't like Socialism), are trying, desperately, to burn America to the ground.


- Decimating the military, through defunding, infesting with Socialist commanders, adopting Socialist policies, demeaning and abandoning vets and, most recently, releasing five butchers (who are now free to kill more Americans) in exchange for one likely sympathizer (who is now free to sponsor acts of terrorism right here in America).

- Obamacare which, if left in place, will not only continue to fail, but will perform as poorly as the VA. Because of the Democrats, our healthcare system is WORSE AND MORE COSTLY than it was before. And soon, Democrats are hoping, it will be unrecoverable.

- Taxes....ever-increasing. Interestingly, the hardest hit are the middle class and poor.

- Illegal immigration. Again, the people most affected are.....the middle class, the poor and LEGAL immigrants.

- The war on Christianity. No other religion is targeted. ONLY Christians.

- The First and Second Amendments. Outright calls for their abolishment (by Democrats). to WHY?

Simple: have you ever heard the phrase: If I can't have it, NO ONE WILL HAVE IT!

(Usually, this is what an abusive man says after he kills his wife.....)

Hirota: out.