Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"Cosmic View", gun control and Democrats

Ever read "Cosmic View"? No?

You really should check it out; not only because it illustrates my point in this piece, but offers VERY cool perspective on the universe!

Find it here:

What does "Cosmic View" have to do with gun control and Democrats?

Consider the number of mass shootings in the past few years.

In their wake, Democrats scream "GUN CONTROL!!!". Stimulus, response. Stimulus, response. In their actions and reactions, Democrats are absolutely predictable. In another day and age, they would have been known as "Pavlov's Democrats".

Yet, what Democrats fail to consider (for VERY good them) is the fact that, in nearly every one of these tragedies, there are common denominators. In fact, so frequent are these common denominators that FAILURE to recognize them is all the proof needed to demonstrate that Democrats are hiding the truth about this issue.

C'mon.....seriously.....NO ONE could be THAT stupid or ignorant, so as to miss these blatantly obvious commonalities!

What are those common denominators?

1. Nearly every mass shooting in recent history took place in a "gun-free zone".
2. Nearly every mass shooting in recent history was perpetrated by a Democrat.

To the first point:  as Democrats demand gun control in the wake of each shooting, they fail to see that these shootings take place in places where gun control IS the law. And yet, guns, SOMEHOW, find their way.....ILLEGALLY.....into these gun-free zones and the shootings happen...some deranged Democrat (sorry....I meant 'idiot') takes a gun into a "gun-free zone" and opens fire; presumably KNOWING that he (or she) will be able to carry out their grisly deed unhindered by anyone with a gun. 

To the second point: The perpetrators are nearly all Democrats (or otherwise Liberal, regardless of political party affiliation). Why? When you consider the fundamental philosophy of Liberalism.....choice without becomes immediately clear: NO CONSEQUENCE. No personal responsibility, and no concern for the rights of others.

Democrats, through the years, have sown the seeds of irresponsibility and non-accountability, and now they...we all...reap their harvest.

So, what does "Cosmic View" have to do with any of this?

Back to the first point: if "gun-free zones" are the preferred hunting grounds for psychopathic Democrats, what will happen if Democrats DO get their way and turn AMERICA into a "gun-free zone"? After all, smuggling a gun into a campus (or wherever) "gun-free zone" is no more difficult than smuggling a gun across a border. (Eric Holder proved that with "Fast and Furious"...which is STILL killing our law enforcement officers to this day....).

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