Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Explanations and insight

The other day, I posted a piece titled "Quiz", which posed the question "What do these (all today's headlines) have in common?"

Naturally, I received LOTS of personal email (which, BTW, everyone is free to do at timothyhirota1@gmail.com), as folks who read this blog tend not to be bloggers (we have jobs).

Anyway, those emails ranged from strong understanding (Conservatives) to abject bafflement and hostility (Democrats).

Those baffled and hostile tended to wonder how these headlines could POSSIBLY be the result of Democrat action and legislation, as I suggested.

First, let's define "Liberal" (Democrat) and "Conservative" (not necessarily Republican)...in terms of philosophy (which plays out in legislation):

Conservatives believe that anyone can make any personal choice. However, they must accept and 'own' ALL consequences and responsibilities of that choice. Also, that choice cannot violate the rights of others.

Liberals (Democrats) also believe that anyone can make any personal choice. BUT, Liberals (Democrats) believe that there is NO personal responsibility or need for acceptance of consequence of that choice. Also, Liberals (Democrats) believe that they are free to make any choice, irrespective of whether it violates the rights of others.

In terms of legislation, these philosophies result in VERY different intents and outcomes.

"Republican" legislation (except those drafted by Liberal Republicans) force personal responsibility on choice-makers, while Democrat legislation tends to force some segment of society (other than the choice-maker) to bear the responsibility of the choice-maker's choice. In addition, Democrat legislation is never concerned with whether a choice might violate the rights of others.

Examples of Democrat philosophy, played out in legislation?

How about abortion law? (Forces a child to take the responsibility for a woman's choice, then grotesquely violates the unalienable rights of that child.

Certainly, a VERY obvious example. But if you look closer, to other legislation, you'll see the same Democrat philosophy played out:

- Affirmative Action
- (In the past) slavery
- Welfare
- Public schooling
- Medicare
- Social Security

These are only a few, and they follow, precisely, the Democrat philosophy of "no personal responsibility" and "who cares who's rights I violate?".

So, when I wrote the piece the other day, it was with this in mind.

If you'd like to see a glaring example, current right now, check this out...

(Let's be clear: Democrats drive the "gay marriage" issue and Democrat legislation has resulted in the horrific numbers of broken families today, so....they OWN this)


After reading, what you SHOULD be asking yourself is "WHY????"

Why on earth would Democrats support this, KNOWING that the children pay a terrible price for their "parents'" choices?

The answer is simple.

The underlying goal to Democrat philosophy is the destruction of the family.

What lies beneath that is the destruction of "God". (The concept of "God" cannot be destroyed as long as the concept of "family" exists.....just ask the Soviets, the ChiComs and the Nazis).

Better yet, ask Hillary. Or Barack. Or Nancy. Or Harry. Or......

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