Friday, June 6, 2014


Ever hear of Emperor Norton? No? Here's his (Wiki) story:

Why, on earth, bring up Emperor Norton?

Simple: his story is being played out today.... the "gay" community.

Specifically, the notion (perhaps I should say 'norton') of "gay marriage".

LOTS of headlines in the news these days about states and courts allowing "gay marriage".

But, just as Emperor Norton was delusional...believing that he was the Emperor of the United States (and protector of Mexico), so "gays" are delusional in believing that their union is marriage.

Marriage, throughout history, has always been one man, one woman. And, although there have been many attempts to change that definition (multiple marriages, etc), marriage remains one man, one woman.

The bottom line....the this:

"Emperor Norton", although recognized as "Emperor", in truth never was. And nothing will EVER change that fact.

"Gay marriage" isn't marriage; irrespective of what the law supposes. And nothing will EVER change that fact.

Hirota: out.

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