Friday, January 2, 2015

Liberals THINK they have great news!

Liberals have been having "happy seizures" about third quarter numbers. It's pretty much the ONLY thing they've been able to point to by way of Party accomplishment!

So, it would them...that their "tax-the-shit-out-of-them", "force them to buy crappy, expensive healthcare", "force them into sub-standard schools", "confiscate their guns", "set up thousands of new regulations", "butcher as many unborn children as possible.....especially the black ones", is working!

America, as envisioned by the Democrat Party, is turning into a Stalin-esque utopia.

Hooray for them.

But....wait a minute.....

Shouldn't the mindless followers of the Democrat Party be asking "WHY?" in "WHY does the economy look so darn healthy right now?"

Because if they did, they'd pretty much be able to nail it down to three things:

- Obamacare (or really, the lack thereof)
- Government handouts
- OIL.

Obamacare: mandatory regulations under the ACA have continued to be pushed back to later dates. Why? Because the Democrats KNOW, FOR FACT, that Obamacare is a GIGANTIC money hole and a failure. All these necessary programs, deemed SO urgent when bum-rushing the legislation through, don't really seem that urgent now; especially since the Democrats KNOW, FOR FACT, that Obamacare will sink our economy.

Government handouts: Most folks don't know that part of the GDP is Government spending; which is at it's historic highest.

Oil:  Yes, oil. Largely because of alternative collecting methods (like fracking), the US is producing more (in spite of the Democrats attempts to shut off oil production and sink the American economy) and selling more abroad. That action forces the price of oil down, since OPEC has to respond by upping it's own production. Together, this drops the price of oil. As price of oil drops, everything related to oil (from delivery costs to CD production) drop in price. As prices drop, purchases and profit go up. That's how it works, folks.

But there IS one, VERY funny thing that those celebrating Democrats aren't considering:

With regard to oil, the more it's drops in price, the more it INCREASES in consumption!

So, Democrats are celebrating a HUGE increase in the CONSUMPTION of oil!!!!


Well, no one could ever accuse Democrats of over-using their brains.....

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