Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ya know......they kinda have a point......

The idiots in the Left Wing are refusing to characterize the attacks in France as acts of ISLAMIC terrorism. Like the Democrats' psychotic "workplace violence" claim for the Fort Hood incident, the acts of Islamic terrorism in France are being characterized as anything but.

They aren't Islamists.
This isn't about Islam.

But, in truth (and they'll probably find this out too late), the Liberals DO have point.

These radical ISLAMISTS are only doing what Liberals do: taking something fundamental and applying Marx to it.

Radical Islam works off the Socialist playbook, pure and simple. Stalin and Hitler did it; in their cases, they replaced God with State (like what's happening in America right now...). But the bottom line is that it's about control.....ABSOLUTE control. And the methods to achieve that control are spelled out in any Socialist propaganda sheet.....from the Al Qaeda handbook to "Rules for Radicals". And the followers have ranged from Osama bin Laden to Bill Ayers.

So you see, all these mischaracterizations AREN'T particularly inaccurate.....

We MUST consider the fact that ALL these idiots have one thing in common:

They are STATISTS.

Whether you call them Fascists, Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals or The Democrat Party, they are STATISTS.

Want to win the war on terror?


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