Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Bomber Suspect.....


Since the first “bomb” was discovered near the house of George Soros, my personal suspicion was that it was a set up, designed to garner sympathy for a Leftist (Soros), reverse the momentum of the 2018 election and create a circumstance to blame Trump. Certainly, there are PLENTY of examples of Liberals hoaxing tragic events in order to accomplish their goals, from the Brett Kavanaugh nomination to Tawana Brawley, from Lena Dunham to Yasmin Seweid.

Then the list of bombs grew. All were being sent to prominent Democrats and Liberals who had one thing in common, besides their misguided ideology: outspoken hatred of President Trump.

At that point, I posted my belief that this series of events was a set up. This was a “Hail Mary” play by Democrats (not the leadership, but by supporters) to achieve what their leadership has been fundamentally unable to achieve: to halt Trump’s and Conservatism’s momentum; it’s historic shift BACK to the Constitutional and rule of law. My belief in the set up was based on a couple issues:
1.     The “Right” has no history of terrorism; specifically, bombings, in this country. Terrorism is OWNED by two groups: Socialists and Anarchists. Examples of each include Bill Ayres (who helped get Obama started in politics) and Timothy McVeigh.
2.     The bombs, themselves, seemed designed to be found. For instance, they were sent in envelopes rather than boxes (which would have AT LEAST made detection more difficult.

It, to me, had all the marks of a ‘maskirovka’.

Then….they caught a suspect. And, IMMEDIATELY, the media jumped on suspect’s “obvious” love of President Trump (social media, van, voter registration, etc). And certainly, this nutcase DOES seem to be an insane, right wing, Trump-adoring, domestic terrorist.

But the more I read, the more my suspicions grew.

(Now, I’ll state, right now, that I might be dead wrong. It CERTAINLY wouldn’t be the first time!)

Based on what has been revealed so far…..yes, VERY early in the investigation…this continues to smell like a set up, designed to achieve the goals mentioned above. And, as it stands now, Democrats have a slam-dunk issue with which they and the media can hammer home an election message. They only need to make this the ONLY “newsworthy” issue through November 6th. And they only have to keep ANY further investigative discovery from being revealed until then as well. After that, as Roy Moore and Christine Ford know all too well, this issue will become a “nothing to see here”…

But again, as it stands right now, quite a few things make no sense to me, and I hope that, as this investigation continues, these issues will be addressed:

1.     The suspect registered as “Republican” in 2012.
a.      Did he vote in 2012? And, for whom?
b.     How was he registered previous to 2012?
c.      What nationality is listed on his voter registration? (more on this later)
d.     He lives in Miami-Dade county, which, in 2016, voted 63/34 Clinton vs Trump; a VERY Liberal county.

2.     ONE fingerprint found? Of all the devices found, only ONE fingerprint found; and evidently, of sufficient forensic quality to positively ID the suspect. So, he decided to NOT wear gloves on this one device?

3.     Several stickers on his van featured crosshairs placed over the faces of Hillary Clinton and President Obama. How is it that the Secret Service had not been involved previous to his capture?

4.     The suspect lives in Miami-Dade, yet the stickers on his van look brand new (as does his van)
a.      When did he purchase the van?
b.     How old are the stickers?
c.      Why wasn’t he cited for obstructed view of his front, passenger-side window?

5.     Suspect has a previous arrest for bomb threat.
a.      What are the circumstances of that threat?

6.     Is there a history of mental illness? Certainly, based on discovery, so far, the suspect has a LONG history of police interaction.

7.     The suspect ID’s himself as a Native American and worked for a catering company called “Native American Catering Company”.
a.      Why wasn’t Liz Warren a target?
b.     Are any of the stickers on his van that of Liz Warren?

8.     At least two people (a former employer and a defense attorney who represented him in his various arrests) stated that the suspect NEVER discussed politics. It would seem that his ONLY vehicles for political action were social media and his van?

9.     How far back do his Twitter and FB feeds date? And who set them up?
a.      When I took a quick look, I found a FB page that only contained posts from within an HOUR of his arrest.

10.  Why no bomb to Gillum? After all, Gillum is running for Governor of Florida.

Under normal circumstances, I am a huge believer in allowing an investigation run before drawing any conclusions. And, even with this case, I conclude nothing.

BUT, because of it’s proximity to the election date, and its odd circumstances, mixed with my personal suspicion, I feel compelled to voice my concerns now, this early in the investigation.

If I am proven wrong, then I’m wrong, and this guy is just some nut, believing he’s doing what Trump “wants him to do”; not unlike James Hodgkinson, believing he was doing the bidding of Democrats.

If, however, I’m right, then we have unequivocal proof that Socialists will stop at nothing in order to achieve their goals and, in this case, sway an election

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