Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Perspective #5

Socialists are relentless. They don’t tire, they don’t take vacations from the cause and they will do anything…..ANYTHING….to achieve their goals. No lie is too outrageous, no act is too horrific. Socialists have demonstrated, time and time again, under many guises, their willingness to lie, steal, cheat, intimidate and kill, in order to establish themselves and seize control.

Indeed, the devil CAN assume a pleasing shape.

In every previous Presidency (yes, including Reagan’s) has either advanced the Socialist agenda or it has taken a brief hiatus. Mind you, when a Republican has taken office, NO movement BACK toward the Constitution has taken place. Yet, with each Democrat win, steps AWAY from the Constitution HAVE taken place.

Think of a sort-of nightmare “bunny hop”: NOT two steps back, three steps forward, but, rather, two steps back (Democrat win) and ZERO steps forward (Republican win).

…which is why we have the country we have…

…until the 2016 election.

As we are seeing now, even those who previously claimed to be “conservative” (Jeff Flake, for instance) are revealing themselves to have nothing more than sleeper agents for the Socialists; more interested in keeping their “rice bowl” than working for Americans. Collins, Murkowski, McCain……these officials have been long time sympathizers of Socialists and, now, are safe bets for them.

Had we continued on this course (the demented bunny hop), a Socialist nation we would become; fulfilling the wildest dreams of Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Mao. This is unequivocal.

In November 2018, we, as a nation, will decide whether we bring the Trump agenda to a screeching halt and continue down the path of becoming a Socialist State, or we show the sheer will and fearlessness of our Framers and those who fought in the American Revolution. The stakes are exactly that and they could not be higher. Back then, those Framers risked EVERYTHING, committing treason against the Crown, in order to give us the freedoms we have today; freedoms that we, all too often, take for granted.

So, what will it be? Will we bring this movement BACK toward the Constitution to a halt (likely permanently) or will we, instead, show the kind of fortitude it took to establish this greatest nation in history?

Will we be relentless?

Will we be tireless?

Will we fight, ferociously?

Or will we, instead, relegate ourselves to becoming a footnote in the history books; another failed Socialist utopia?

The choice is as it has always been: ours.

Remember: regrets are reserved for those who happen to survive.

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