Monday, August 1, 2011

A THRILLING piece of news......

In Louisiana, a new law is going into affect.

PLEASE read about the "Signs of Hope" legislation:

The plain truth:

Is this where we need to be, nationally, on abortion law? NO. But, it's a step....and a good one at that!

Think about it: Liberals LOVE to SAY that "abortion should be legal, safe and rare". (In fact, Liberals don't care about the "safe" part, just as they don't care about the "rare" part. Liberals ONLY care about the "legal" part.

.....just ask Obama, who IMMEDIATELY signs ANY piece of legislation (or Executive Order) which has the affect of EXPANDING abortion laws.

But, let's take them at their words:

With the "Signs of Hope" law....

- Does abortion remain "legal"? YES.
- Does abortion remain "safe"? Well....the new law has no affect on abortion's safety.
- Does abortion remain "rare"? (Well...given the fact that, to Liberals, "rare" is 800 THOUSAND + per year). This law has the potential to help Liberals achieve their (stated) goal in making abortions more "rare".

So, really, it's a win-win-WIN for Liberals.

Unfortunately, still, it remains a LOSE-LOSE-LOSE for the unborn.

But hey.....why would Liberals care about the unborn? I's not like they can vote.....

Hirota: OUT.

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