Monday, August 8, 2011

Why???? Well, I'll tell you...

So, now, the Obama administration is blaming The Tea Party for the nation's economic downturn. Dumb ol' John Kerry, on "Meet the Press" said, "I believe this is, without question, the tea party downgrade." David Axelrod (former senior advisor to our Blithering-Idiot-in-Chief) said much the same.

Clearly, this is to be the new talking point for Liberals: BLAME THE TEA PARTY. IT'S THE "TEA PARTY DOWNGRADE"! least they've taken a break from blaming Bush.....for a while...

Folks, there is a clear track record of these kinds of ridiculous fabrications from Liberals in our Government and media:

- "Increasing our debt limit will reduce our deficit"
- "Abortions should be safe, legal and RARE"
- "Welfare helps blacks"

The list of lies is endless.

And, the REASON that Liberals lie about EVERYTHING is twofold:

1. There is NO WAY that ANY of their agenda would be accepted by Americans, truthfully presented. Could you imagine:
- My government wants to break the financial back of America? Awesome!
- Harry Reid manispulates blacks so that he can create a permanent underclass? Awesome!
- Obama wants to control the population by butchering as many unborn children as possible? He's got my vote!


2. Liberals just assume that you are too stupid to figure it out and, IF you did figure it out, you're too lazy to do anything about it. (Of course, a 46% approval rating means that Liberals are right about this 46% of the time).

So, the question, really, is this:

ARE the Liberals right?

ARE you too stupid to figure out the lies?

And, if you DO figure it out, ARE you too lazy to do anything about it???

Liberals are CONFIDENT and HOPING that you are.

Hirota: out.

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