Friday, December 30, 2011

A lesson to voters in 2012

Two of Obama's largest voting blocks in 2008 were blacks and the youth

In just three years, these groups have taken a huge drubbing from the person THEY put in office.


- By race, the highest unemployment in the US is within the black community. In addition, blacks have have disproportionately foreclosed-on in the collapse of the housing market.

- By age group, the highest rate of unemployment in the US is the youth;
specifically between the ages of 16 and 29. Unemployment for this group is a staggering 45%.

These groups, like so many others, never bothered to look into Obama, the man. The only watched TV, and just assumed that everything being said by the mainsteam media was gospel truth.

And, even when damning evidence DID come out about their lord and savior, they simply chose to ignore it.

Now, of course, they are paying the price.

Unfortunately, though, I don't see these groups learning anything soon.....

Although the "youth vote" is beginning to come around to rational thought, the "black vote" is still hopelessly, deliberately, ignorant, as polls show that support for Obama among blacks remains high.

In spite of the promises, irrespective of the truth, Obama has run this country into the ground. The rich are richer because of his policies, the poor are poorer (and there are more of them, too).

As the philosopher once said, "those who forget history are doomed to repeat it".

And, evidently, we've lost our ability to survive....

Hirota: out.


Ella B said...

I thought were the generation that were supposed to change the world or "make it a better place" what a joke! Ignorance isn't always bliss.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Ella B! We have become "generation ME"....