Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What's your middle name??

A friend of mine sent a link to me this morning (thanks, "M") from The Orange Juice Blog:


Rather than commenting on the piece, which I'll leave to you folks to read for yourself, I'd like to simply correct a couple of deliberate mischaracterizations my friend, Vern, laid down.

And, since he was gracious enough to offer these mischaracterizations in a public forum, I thought it'd be nice to respond....in a public forum.

Here's the quote:

"Hirota, who wrote for this blog for a short time, but now sticks to his own “Brainy Cattle” blog, is the kind of unreconstructed, gleefully “politically incorrect,” last-decade Republican that the GOP is trying to get away from –not only hateful to liberals and unions but contemptuous of gays and immigrants ."

Now, to be sure, some of this he got just right. I am ABSOLUTELY politically incorrect. Deal with it.

"Last decade Republican"? Yeah, ok.....that's an opinion, which carries as much validity as MY opinion that "no, I'm a Conservative, who (like MANY others), is seeking to rid myself of the Republican Party....or, more accurately, rid the GOP of the Liberal 'fifth column'.

On to the fun part.....

"...not only hateful to liberals and unions but contemptuous of gays and immigrants."

Hateful to Liberals? Sorry. Nope. "Hate" is an emotion; one which requires focus and effort. A better word would be "indifferent"; I'm indifferent to, and about, Liberals."

Hateful to unions? Sorry....needs some clarity here. I have no particular love for private sector unions (and have commented on this in the past), I recognize that, SOMETIMES, they are quite necessary.

I DO see no use whatsoever for PUBLIC unions. In fact, the public sector union, if anything, serve to prove that Governments are corrupt. And the public unions are part of that corruption.

"...contemptuous of gays...". Fabrication. Nothing more. I am on record as believing that I do not care how people conduct their private lives, as long as a) they accept ALL responsibility for their decisions and b) in the scope of their decisions, they do not violate the rights of anyone else.

How do gays fit into this?  Certain groups/organizations of gays are intent the creation of laws which specifically favor them. This is both unconstitutional against what Liberals profess to believe about equality. (If you'd like more on this, I'd be happy to expound).

So, to be clear: It's not the "gay", it's the deliberate irresponsibility for one's decisions and the attempt to violate the rights of others in doing so.

And finally.....

"...contemptuous of...immigrants."

Please note that Vern didn't say "ILLEGAL immigrants".  This, folks, is intentional; intended to portray me as someone who is "contemptuous" of ALL immigrants; both legal and illegal.

And, again, I have a LONG record...MANY writings....defending those here legally from those (like Michele Martinez and Lou Correa) who wish to forsake their own constituents in favor for those here ILlegally.

Now, I don't actually expect reasonable response from the OJB folks.

After all, I'd NEVER want to be accused of disturbing their blissful slumber of ignorance....

What's your middle name, Vern, old buddy?

....shame, shame....

Hirota: out.

OH.....and one more thing.....thank you for spelling my name right!  :-)


Vern said...

Hi Tim. I don't get this "middle name" thing, is it from some recent pop song or TV show? My middle name is Patrick. The readers can judge if I described the jist of your writings correctly.

But here's something else to think about:

You promoted his piece about THIS piece with the slogan "A wonderful example of liberalism." Your blog's subtitle is "Liberalism in the crosshairs," which I assume mean that you aspire to shoot liberals or liberalism. In that context, I'm guessing "brainy cattle" is your description of liberals.

Here's the problem: Whether you realize it or not, your going to the mattresses for your brother-in-law is really going to the mattresses for more continued power for Miguel Pulido. And if you study my paragraph which provides a partial list of reasons to be against more power for Pulido (which I'll re-post below) you may well ask yourself, who's really functioning as the "liberal" here (in the pejorative sense of big-government waste, arrogance and overreach) - Vern, or Hirota?

"Personally I like anything that helps abridge the power of a big Orange County mover-and-shaker like Mayor Pulido, who has his fingers in way too many pies across the county and state, second only to Curt Pringle, and has become staggeringly wealthy during his 20+ years running Santa Ana. He’s been unremovable not only as Mayor but on the OCTA Board where he continues to be one of the most stubborn and outspoken advocates for putting toll lanes on the 405 (and after that, all OC freeways.) I didn’t mind seeing him taken off the Great Park Board last month, even if it took a Republican coup. And I remember well how we barely shamed him out of drawing a half-million-dollar “finder’s fee” for helping Governor Schwarzenegger sell – and then lease back – a shitload of huge state-owned buildings in a scheme we dubbed “sleasing.” God knows how else he’s used his position to gather so much wealth."


Vern said...

Well then. Nice chatting. Liberal.

Common Sense said...

Patience, Vern! Patience...

I'm sorry that I don't have the free time that you evidently do to blog.....I blog when I can, I write when I can, I respond when I can...

The middle name thing? You've never heard the old "shame shame is your middle name"?


In another wonderful example of Liberalism, you assume "...that you aspire to shoot liberals or liberalism." Perhaps its a disconnect, or perhaps intent, but let's be clear: "Liberalism" is a concept; "Liberal" is a person. "Liberalism in the crosshairs" takes aim at the concept.

"Brainy cattle" is directed, not toward Liberals, but rather ANYONE who, irrespective of any academic educational level, unfathomably choose to act as cattle....mindless.

Now, as to Pulido, in this letter, I've taken NO position with respect to him. I'm merely addressing the City Council's "baby with the bathwater" mentality. Period.

Now, to the "personally I like anything...."....whoever wrote this I like, becuse it's a DECIDELY Conservative principle (substitute "big OC mover and shaker like...." with "big government" and you've pretty got it spot on!)

As always, great blogging with you and, please.....it's not that i'm unwilling to respond, it's that, at times, i'm unable.


Stanley Fiala said...

Nice blog, the only problem is that I mostly agree with your opinions and facts so I can't get into the usual blog related pissing contest here unless some idiot like the OJB Greg Diamond aka Golem or the regulars like "demagog" and "anon" will post some crapola here.

I have not read what that Vern Nelson aka Gröfaz actually compose or is it compost, not sure about the spelling with my ESL, and then I'll get back.

Greg Diamond said...

I'll comment here, Stanley, as a goad to you, because this is where I think you belong.

Stanley Fiala said...


I do belong to any constitutionally ran blog.

However, we have to see if this blog can match "F"FFF as to the 1st.

Obviously you are here so I can kick your fucking fat ass so you can complain to the admin daily, about me, ignoring your goad.

Lets see if you can live up to your reputation of being moron mongoloid, Golem.

Common Sense said...

Welcome Stanley! AND Greg!

Just a reminder of the rules....

I currently don't screen contributions, because I believe that folks, for the most part, can engage in civil discourse without vitriol or hostility.

I don't want to change that policy.

That said:

let the games begin!

Stanley Fiala said...

Obviously my language above was a test to see if you will convert my free speech into bunch of asterisks which every one clearly knows the meaning of, but for sum reason it is not vulgar.

So which part of the obscene language is obscene?

The visual part? or;
Comprehension part?

Any reasonable person would comprehend F**k to be Fuck but it wouldn't be considered obscene language.

Isn't the main purpose of written language to communicate?

So isn't it what a reader understands is obscene? or; Is it what he see.

No one ever explain to me the above difference.

Maybe you can.

However, I know for sure that idiots from the OJB Vern Nelson and Greg Diamond #256598 can't.

Common Sense said...

Hi Stanley,

Wasn't directed straight at you. But I saw the words and thought it'd be best to send out a reminder.

Frankly, I use that language constantly......seems to be just the right thing to say, sometimes!

But, what I DON'T want or need is a lack of basic civility.

It has nothing to do with political correctness of having someone out there 'feel' offended.

I don't care about those things.

BUT, if Conservatives feel the need to stoop to the base level of ad hominem attacks, instead of debating an issue on its merit, then that Conservative is no better than any Liberal.

Conservatism is based on reason, facts and history.

Liberals is based on vitriol.


Hirota: out

Common Sense said...


meant "Liberalism" is based on vitriol....

Jeez....you'd think I was the product of public schooling...

Stanley Fiala said...

Do you know that, as an admin, you can go to the HTML level and correct it there rather than making a comment about your mistake?

Common Sense said...

Please understand....I'm a technology IDIOT!
I'll see if I can figure that out, but I wouldn't go holding my breath.....lol...