Sunday, May 26, 2013

For anyone keeping track.....

Liberals, please ignore this.

Conservatives, keep this as a constant reminder that abortion, like slavery, MUST be abolished.


A note to Conservatives:
WARNING.....there are graphic pictures of aborted children in this video.

A note to Liberals:
No worries.....the pictures in this video are NOT of human children. They are just lumps of flesh, tumors, women's rights, masses of cells, whatever......but they DEFINITELY aren't human.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

...I just couldn't help myself.....

Photo-op of the day......

This is like the modern, politically-correct, pro-LGBT story of "Jack Sprat" and his "life partner"... all those with whom I've argued that Christie is a Liberal:


Hirota: out.

C'mon, folks.....cut the guy some slack.....

The 'net is abuzz with Obama's latest demonstration of his contempt for the military: ought to give him a break on this.....

After all, he really CAN'T be expected to go through the motions with regard to something (the military, in this case) in which he has neither belief or respect....'d be like me putting a "I (heart) N.A.R.A.L." bumper sticker on my car.....

Hirota: out.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Constitutional scholar....

As we all know, a critical part of The First Amendment DOES say:

 "...or abridging the freedom of speech, or the requirement to listen, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble..."

I wonder why he doesn't speak up when Liberals attempt to shout down Conservatives when they attempt to exercise THEIR First Amendment rights (to free speech)....

This is YOUR President, folks; a person who has NO clue as to the language, meaning or intent of The Constitution.....

Hirota: out.

How is this possible?, part 2...



I thought Sweden was the very model of Socialism?  Yet, there are riots ongoing for four days now.

Supposedly touched off after a man was shot by police for brandishing a knife, it's now evident that Sweden's issues might be a bit deeper than this incident.....

You a "model of Socialism" country where immigrants have the highest unemployment of any Scandinavian country....

When I argue with Liberals, the VERY few who've actually done a modicum of research always end up with the "what about Sweden" question, in defense of Socialism. Setting aside forced abortions and forced sterilizations as a means of population control, I always argue that Sweden's Socialism, too, will fail, as it has worldwide (even in Cuba, the longest-standing Communist country, where the ban on microwave ovens was recently lifted....).

And, now, I'm being proved right once again.....

There's trouble in paradise, folks.

Hirota: out.

How is this possible???

In the news today, Chicago, Obama's political home, voted to close 49 elementary schools.

How is this possible?

Isn't Illinois a Liberal utopia?

Doesn't Illinois have the highest overall taxes in the country?


Where are all these taxes going?

Don't the Liberals in Chicago care about kids?

Hirota: out.

In contention.....

Rep. Elijah Cummings (DEMOCRAT) is becoming a SERIOUS contender for the "Stupid As Hank Johnson" award, 2013.

Cummings, who is the guy famous for his "death is part of life" comment to a Benghazi victim family member, now has this to offer:

Now, the really important part of this remarkable statement is the fact that Cummings' concern is that IRS employees might be called in BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T DO SOMETHING RIGHT!!

See, folks, in the REAL world (the one outside government service), if you do something incorrectly, you get called in to fix it. Then you're taught how to do it right.

And, if you do something that is wrong (like...illegal), you risk being terminated.

In Elijah Cummings' world, Government employees should not have to live in fear that, if they do something incorrectly, they'll be admonished, then shown how to do it correctly.

And, further, if they do something wrong (like....illegal), those employees should not have to fear for their jobs.

In fact, if history and The Democratic Party teach us ANYTHING, it's that, if you do something incorrectly or wrong, you risk a serious promotion!

Just ask Alcee Hastings.

Or Ted Kennedy.

Or Anthony Weiner.

Or Hillary Clinton.

Or Susan Rice.

Or, or, or..........

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Too bad this isn't baseball.......

  • The American people voted to restore integrity and honesty in Washington, D.C., and the Democrats intend to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical Congress in history. Post-election comments, Nancy Pelosi

Three strikes.......shouldn't she be OUT????

    Thursday, May 16, 2013

    Did you hear????

    Anthony Weiner (perhaps THE most appropriate name...) is going to run for Mayor of New York City!

    That's right.....

    Together, he plans to put "the worm" in NYC's Big Apple.

    I gotta admit, I hate it when I'm right all the time..... this case, I was ALMOST right....

    (Perhaps, after a successful mayoral stint....more pix, more chix.....he WILL run for Prez...)

    Wednesday, May 15, 2013

    I guess he was concerned.......

    I can only assume that Liberal Democrat Hank Johnson is concerned that people are forgetting what a F***ING IDIOT they voted into office......

    Hank, I'm here to help......

    People, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't forget Hank....

    ....after all, he DID provide the world with THIS demonstration of Liberal 'nuance':

    And, of course, who can forget THIS Johnson speaks about "the most pressing issues of the day...":

    Or THIS moment of Liberal brilliance:

    Jeeeeeez, people......SERIOUSLY?????

    What's next?

    You Liberals going to elect Maxine Waters????????


    Hirota: out.

    Ok...time to put things into perspective....

    An open note to a few media rags:


    The Associated Press
    The Los Angeles Times


    Let's try to keep in mind that YOU support Obama, Reid, Pelosi, etc.....THE VERY PEOPLE who are violating your Constitutional rights.

    You withheld information which would prove to be damaging to Liberals.

    You deliberately misrepresented Liberals to the public, so as to further their agenda.

    You fabricated stories about Conservatives in order to scare the public into supporting Liberals.

    And, speaking of the Constitution....YOU are the people who support the methodical destruction of the Constitution.

    So, have NOTHING to say about this. This, after all, is exactly what you bargained for.

    Hirota: out. you think they'll learn?

    The blame game.....

    It's remarkable to me to see how much finger pointing is happening with the Democrats!

    Between Benghazi, the IRS, the Associated Press.....the Liberals are doing what they do best: blaming someone....ANYONE...else for their misdeeds and corruption.

    I'd pose the old "where does the buck stop" question, but let's face facts:

    With Democrats running this country since 2006, there AREN'T any "bucks" to "stop here".

    So I suppose the question OUGHT to be:

    Where, exactly, does the $.14 (before taxes) stop?

    Hirota: out.

    Shhhhhhh......don't wake them.....

    Even Liberals need their beauty sleep.....

    (just unplug the phone....)

    Tuesday, May 14, 2013

    Well well well.....

    Looks like Argentina, another Socialist country, is learning from Socialist America......

    Obamacare......paying dividends worldwide.......

    Harry and Nancy

    Two of the Axis of Idiots (the third, of course, is Obama) have come out with statements so remarkably unfathomably imbecilic, so completely mind-numbing in their stupidity that ONLY a Liberal could POSSIBLY believe them....

    Said Nancy, a couple days ago:

    "The Affordable Care Act is bringing the cost of health care in our country down in both the public and private sector. And that is what is largely responsible for the deficit coming down."


    A couple things:

    - The deficit ISN'T "going down". In fact, it's INCREASING at least ONE TRILLION per year.

    - Obamacare, itself, is costing AT LEAST twice what has been claimed (AND MOST OF IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN IMPLEMENTED YET!)

    Said Harry today, speaking on the Gosnell case:

    "What led to these convictions of murder of this man is the fact that people have been pushed back into these holes to do something that's legal.

    "To keep pushing these clinics back into situations where we wind up like this is wrong. I think that no matter how you stand on the issue of abortion, people who make that decision should do it and not have to be worried about infections and some butcher like this doing the bad things that they did. It should be in a place that is clean and sterile and have people who know what they’re doing and care about what they do."

    A couple more things:

    - If protecting women is the issue, if you want 'clean and sterile', why did Democrats DEFEAT legislation meant to accomplish just that?

    - The Gosnell case (along with several others that are surfacing right now) has NOTHING to do with the legality of abortion. Rather, they are happening BECAUSE abortion is legal. Women have moved (in Liberal parlance) from the back alleys to Government-sponsored back alleys.

    Congratulations, ladies.

    Aside from the fact that NEITHER Nancy NOR Harry make ANY sense whatsoever (perhaps I'm just not 'nuanced' enough...), they're both dead wrong. They have it EXACTLY, PRECISELY bass-ackwards.

    NONE of which matters, since their supporters just aren't that bright....

    Hirota: out.

    Quickly, Liberals....QUICKLY!

    Before it's too late!

    QUICKLY, Liberals......insert thumbs.

    No....this isn't a joke.....

    Rather, this is Liberalism, hard at work.....



    Weiner Enlarging Staff for Mayoral Run

    If I may paraphrase "Butthead":

    "He said, 'enlarging staff''....

    Do you think you're safe?

    Let's put the shoe on the other foot and see how it feels.....

    So...check out this new development in the IRS-targeting-Conservative-groups nightmare:

    Now, certainly, Liberals everywhere are gleeful about this revelation; after all.....their own government, led by Liberals, is attacking "The Tea Party"! What fun! And, DAMMIT (they rationalize), THEY DESERVE IT!

    Fine: they deserve it.

    Suppose Republicans were now in charge.

    Better yet, suppose a Republican wins the White House in 2016 and, at the same time, takes control of both houses on Congress......

    Got that?

    Complete Republican control....

    NOW, suppose that that new administration decides that LIBERAL groups (let's say NARAL, NOW, The Huffington Post, The Sierra Club.....whoever.....) are a threat and they deserve to be targeted by the IRS.

    Would this be ok?

    ...The Associated Press seems to be learning that lesson right now.....(not that they'll learn....)

    Hirota: out.

    Monday, May 13, 2013


    Liberals in the media are trying to bury the Gosnell case. To be precise, Liberals DO NOT want the public to know about the horrors..the reality...of abortion; and the Gosnell case does just that.

    Liberals in the media are working furiously to bury the Benghazi fiasco. Why? Because Liberals DO NOT want the public to know that their own people (Obama and Hillary, in this case) are incompetent, gutless, spineless idiots who know NOTHING about National Security, here or abroad; and Benghazi case does exactly that!

    These are just a couple recent cases.

    History is replete with this behavior from Liberals:

    - Embryonic stem cell research: they don't want you to know that it REQUIRES an abortion and has produced exactly ZERO positive results.

    - Slavery: they don't want you to know that it was THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY that protected, defended and expanded slavery. And, the Ku Klux Klan was simply an extension of the Democratic Party (just ask DEMOCRAT Senator Robert Byrd)

    It goes on and on, folks....

    Liberals aren't interested in the truth. They aren't interested in the notion of equality (NOT Government-defined equality, but rather equality, as defined by our founding documents: "Unalienable rights" kind of equality...).

    Well...this little piece of news came out today....

    Liberals in the Justice Department going after the Associated Press; a DECIDEDLY Liberal media piece.

    I wonder if they'll figure it out?

    I wonder if they'll EVER come to understand that either EVERYONE (including the unborn) is equal, or NO ONE is?

    ....I doubt it.

    Liberals just aren't that intelligent.

    Hirota: out.


    So.....Gosnell has been found guilty of first degree murder.....

    And, according to "the experts", he' eligible for the death penalty.

    Now, since I'm FIRMLY "pro choice" with regard to the death penalty, I can certainly see where Liberals will NOW....SUDDENLY....start paying attention to this case.....

    ....but only insomuch as the "death penalty" part of this case.'s what I propose:

    So as to make Gosnell's due in keeping with Liberal standards, let's seal Gosnell in a bag, wait until he "expires" and call it a "VERY late term abortion".....

    Remember this face, folks; it's the face of Liberalism:

    Hirota: out.

    Friday, May 10, 2013

    More evidence....

    Liberal women: are you paying attention???

    ....I didn't think so.


    Hirota: out.

    Did you hear?

    If you only view the Mainstream media, then, didn't.....

    Check out Elijah Cummings, DEMOCRAT idiot from Maryland....

    "Death is part of life"

    I've got a GREAT idea:

    Let's adopt this slogan and post it in every death row block in the country!

    Sounds good to you, Elijah?


    Hirota: out.


    ...gosh, it seems like someone should add, "don't worry, little Hillary-rat, death is part of life"....

    Thursday, May 9, 2013

    Gosnell case demonstrates Liberal intent...

    I recently posted a piece, claiming that Liberals are completely without concern for women (or blacks, or Hispanics, or Homosexuals, etc....for that matter).

    Bringing to light the fact that the Liberal media has worked aggressively to bury the Gosnell story and then failing to even SUGGEST any measures which would prevent Gosnell-like cases from happening again, it was very clear to me that what Liberals care about is abortion. ONLY abortion. The "woman" part of the abortion issue is nothing more than a useless appendage to Liberals.

    Yes, I caught a LOT of flack.

    Not the first time.

    And also....not for the first time.....I've been proven correct.

    Check out this article:

    While Liberals are BLOCKING effort to increase sanitary environments in abortion clinics, they are, at the same time, committed to only "condemning" people like Gosnell.

    In other words: Liberals choose to condemn, and take ABSOLUTELY NO ACTION.

    And, to bring focus to the blocking of efforts to increase sanitary conditions in abortion clinics:

    This is aimed DIRECTLY at women; since there's no need to maintain sanitary conditions around a butchered child....

    Liberals, in this blocking, are letting women know that they do not matter to them.

    ....and yet, these women continue to worship Liberals and Liberalism.... bizarre as it is stupid.

    Folks: THIS is why societies fail.

    Hirota: out.


    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    It just keeps getting worse and worse......(not that Liberals care, of course...)


    The mere mention sends the mainstream media running for cover.

    And, really....why not?

    After all, with each bit of testimony, the discovery that the Obama administration, ESPECIALLY HILLARY, not only did nothing about the situation, but is now being revealed to have PREVENTED anything from being done about it.

    In short:

    - They KNEW that there were VERY serious problems (threats, etc) before the attack took place
    - They KNEW what was REALLY going on...AS IT WAS HAPPENING
    - They COMPLETELY ignored the escalating situation

    Not only was Benghazi a "3am call" that went unanswered, it was a "3am call" that was prevented from taking place.

    Then, the cover up.

    The "youtube" video (which we're, of course, confirming that that had NOTHING to do with the attack). A non-issue.

    Susan Rice, the new "Minister of Information", evidently, went on the talk-show circuit, covering up.

    Where was Obama?

    Evidently, playing the fiddle. Or, playing golf...again.

    What does all this mean to Liberals?

    Precisely nothing.

    They aren't interested in the truth. They never are.

    But, folks, there IS precedent for this level of Democratic inaction. And from Hillary's own philandering husband.

    He did quite the same thing with Rwanda.

    After multiple reports FROM HIS OWN PEOPLE that a genocide was underway in Rwanda, Bill:

    - Ignored the reports
    - When the news DID eventually come out, he denied ANY knowledge of it.

    ....until the internal memorandum came out, showing that he had FULL knowledge of the genocide, and proceeded to attempt to cover it all up.

    For what its worth, Clinton's inaction cost over ONE MILLION lives in Rwanda.


    It angers me that the people in charge do such things.

    It angers me MORE that those who support them DON'T CARE ABOUT THESE HORRIFIC ACTS. In fact, they applaud them. They reward them. They encourage them.

    When Hillary runs in 2016, it'll be asked, "will Benghazi play a part in her election bid"?

    Based on history, the answer is "YES".

    Because Liberals will make sure that Hillary is painted as a hero, taking heroic actions, in this massacre.

    Hirota: out.

    Tuesday, May 7, 2013

    A couple "thoughts for the day"....

    Thank you, "E", for sending this to me:

    Do you want a qualified opinion on the "merits" of gun control?
    Just ask a native American. (It didn't work out so well for them...)

    Hirota: out.


    Monday, May 6, 2013

    Kinda funny, really.....

    Two things came to mind when I read this.....

    First: Why is it that Liberals are ALWAYS the ones to bring race and nationality (and homosexuality, for that matter) into their rhetoric? I THOUGHT they were supposed to be against those things and tolerant of those things? Anyway, that's what they claim.'s almost like they are lying about that...!

    Second: It's kinda funny that a "Hispanic" with the last name of "Richardson" is telling us that another Hispanic with the last name of "Cruz" doesn't really qualify for a Hispanic!

    Bill Richardson: garden variety Liberal. Idiot. (I know....redundant)

    Hirota: out.

    Al Gore

    Al's back in the news!


    I was beginning to worry that one of the head clowns had retired from the circus......

    Seems as he's ammassed $200 MILLION in personal wealth since his defeat at the hands of Bush.


    Now setting aside the fact that his family's wealth came largely from "big oil", it certainly seems that Al has found his green pot o gold!

    I once had a debate with a dear friend who asked: "WHY would Al (and other Liberals) bother pushing the Global Warming scheme?"

    Today, we have our answer: MONEY. LOTS OF IT!

    You DO know what this makes old Al, don't you?

    In Liberal terms (just like Michael Moore, I guess....) Al Gore is OFFICIALLY a "99%er".


    Hirota: out.


    I read this little piece of news today....and I wondered....

    So, what do you think the reaction would be (from Liberals) if someone of similar public notariety said something like, "Good ol' Dan Savage.....I guess there's one upside to AIDS...."?

    Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, Obama....and others....hide behind their race.

    They are cowards.

    Hillary, Nancy, Barbara.....and their cohorts....hide behind their gender.

    They are cowards.

    Radical Muslims hide behind their religion.

    They are cowards.

    Radical homosexuals hind behind their behavioral choice.

    ....and they are cowards.

    Hirota: out.

    Thursday, May 2, 2013

    Even MORE stuff you won't be seeing or hearing on the news....

    The mainstream media (Liberals, all) has been aggressively burying the Gosnell abortion clinic case.

    There are a few reasons for this:

    - Gosnell's clinic was not inspected for 17 years. YEARS, folks. And, why? Read it here:

    - The more details that come out of this case (none of which you'll hear in the mainstream media), the more gruesome the story becomes. From collected body parts, to animal feces, to bed-ridden women in blood-soaked sheets, this story reads more like a "B"-rated slasher movie than something out of real life.

    - The Grand Jury findings paint a horrific picture of butchery of BORN children and extreme levels of danger to women. Read it here:

    - As evidence builds, it is clear that the issue goes all the way to the Governor's office who, in the mid '90s, was Tom Ridge, a pro-choice Republican.

    Now.....let's put some perspective to this:


    Although the reasons may seem obvious, there's FAR more to it than simply "hurts the pro-choice movement".

    The truth is FAR more insidious: This is Liberalism at it's finest. How so?

    - The state's failure to set in place a structure which would monitor abortion factories is ABSOLUTELY a product of The Democratic Party and is typical of Liberalism (think CRA and the housing crash)

    - Gosnell, who stands accused of killing at least seven LIVING children, is only carrying out the desire, vision and dream of people such as Obama himself, who worked to clear the way for this level of legality in Illinois. Read about that here:

    -  This system, set up by, supported by, expanded by, Liberals (The Democratic Party), SPECIFICALLY works AGAINST women, offering ZERO concern for women's health and safety.


    This is simple, too.

    What Liberals ABSOLUTELY DO NOT want is the question: Why aren't you using this horror story to demand reforms of the abortion industry which would result in abortions being "even more legal, even more safe and even more rare"????

    The fact is that Liberals have done NOTHING to even SUGGEST that steps should be taken to ensure women's safety. NOTHING!

    Because, in truth, women are pawns in the abortion issue. They are being used (and, as proven in this case, are completely expendable) in order to further the philosophy of Marx.

    In fact, the ONLY one's who've done ANYTHING are the folks in Florida, who stated that the Gosnell case served as a motivating factor as they worked to protect the most innocent of us all.

    Folks, the Gosnell case should come as NO surprise to anyone.

    After all, what do you think abortion IS, anyway?

    What seems like an isolated instance of a butcher is nothing more than a septic version of what happens EVERY few seconds in the United States, to the tune of 55 MILLION since Roe.

    Want to read what "pro-choice" voters, politicians, support? Here:

    Hirota: furious.


    SHAME on the people of Florida!

    In pure defiance of Obama's (and ALL Liberals') dream of butchering children EVEN AFTER THEY ARE BORN, Florida....UNANIMOUSLY....approved the "Infants Born Alive" legislation; which is expected to be signed by the Governor, Rick Scott, into law (it's expected, because Scott ISN'T a Democrat).

    Here's the news piece:

    How shameful is it that a LAW has to be passed in order to legally define someone as "human"?

    And, folks, let's make NO mistake: Now, as in the past, this psychotic push to attempt to legislate humanity is ALL.....100%....the efforts of The Democratic Party. From slavery to suffrage, abortion to embryonic stem cell research.....ALL issues which The Democratic Party has attempted (and, in some cases, still succeeding) to define some segment of humanity as "LESS THAN HUMAN".

    With slavery, Democrats legislated against color.
    With women's (non) right to vote, Democrats legislated against gender
    With abortion and embryonic stem cell research, the Democrats legislate against stage of life.

    Thank you, Florida!

    Thank you for not only understanding that "humanity" will NOT be unequally legislated, but also that these most-innocent, most-vulnerable in our society MUST be protected from...


    Hirota: PROUD.

    Wednesday, May 1, 2013

    An open letter to Mikey Weinstein


    A news report came out today, stating that you were leading the charge to treat Christian sharing-of-faith in the military as a crime, punishable by court martial.

    The news piece to which I refer is here:

    In the article, you are quoted as characterizing Christian proselytizing as an act of "treason", "spiritual rape" and suggesting that it is the equivalent of "sexual assault".

    To these, I have no comment, other than to affirm your right to have an opinion, no matter HOW preposterous or goofy it is.

    It is where you went on to suggest that Christians (in the military) who discuss their faith are "enemies of the Constitution" that I take issue.

    Perhaps, Mikey (gotta tell's kinda hard to take you seriously when you call yourself "Mikey"), you ought to go back and read the Constitution....ALL of it (specifically, with regard to the religion thing, the First Amendment.

    Never mind, I know you won't, so, I'll post it here for all to read in its entirety:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Mikey, I'm CERTAIN that you see where it states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...", because I'm certain that this is where you loosely (and incorrectly, by the way) derive your position. (For the sake of clarity: religious proselytizing in ANY public forum does NOT equate to "establishment" of a religion by the state. If you want to truly understand where the Founding Fathers got this philosophy....which I seriously doubt you do...research merry ol' England, where the King DID, in fact, establish an official state religion).

    But, Mikey, I'm equally certain that you DON'T see (or understand) the SECOND part of that statement, which says, "...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...".

    NOT included in that statement is "on public property" or "if you're in the military" or "unless you're a Muslim", etc.....

    In fact, Mikey, contained within the First Amendment are precisely ZERO prohibitions regarding the free exercise of religion ANYWHERE, ANY TIME, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.

    So, your characterization of Christians sharing their religion as "enemies to the Constitution" is absurd.

    In fact, Mikey, it is YOUR stance (not your opinion, but your desire to LEGISLATE your opinion) that makes YOU, Mikey Weinstein, an enemy of the Constitution.

    Oh....and a note to the Pentagon:

    You'd better keep this in mind, too. And remember, too, that THIS is why the SECOND Amendment was written.

    (No WONDER Liberals hate the Founding Fathers and the Constitution...)

    Hirota: out.

    PS- Oh, and Mikey.....might want to change the name of your organization, from "Military Religious Freedom Foundation" to "Military Freedom-from-religion Foundation"'s FAR more accurate...