Thursday, June 16, 2011

Open memo to "Li'l Oscar"....


This morning, I read the news that you are likely to resign your position in Congress, because of the current "Weinergate" scandal. Now, while I'm a staunch Conservative, I feel compelled to say:

BIG MISTAKE, BUDDY! (Not the sexting, pal, but rather the resignation)

In one little (no pun intended) scandal, you've managed to:

- OWN the Hollywood Liberal commune (thank you, Ginger).
- OWN the GLBT commune (thanks to your bra and pantyhose)
- OWN NOW, NARAL and the rest of the permanently-PMS'd feminist communes (thank you for blaming the victims of your sexts)

Oscar: through this single act, you've placed yourself at THE TOP of the "who's who" in Liberal circles. Rep Alcee Hastings had to be convicted of taking bribes, then disbarred and thrown from the bench in Florida before HE became a Liberal god. Charlie Rangel had to be convicted of tax evasion before HE became a Liberal god. And look at dumb ol' Maxine Waters.....currently under investigation for ethics violations......such a can only hope that money will prevail and save this righteous woman....and how about Bill Clinton, cottage-cheese thighs and all....between batteries-not-included cigars and Paula "why the long face" Jones, he is "Jesus Christ come down" for Liberals. (Well, in his defense, I suppose he DOES deserve SOME small measure of power for putting up with Hillary all these years...)

And....John Edwards.....impregnating a very-decided "4" while his wife battled cancer, and now indicted for a plethora of crimes......

...if convicted....Edwards might FINALLY be considered "Presidential material" for the Democratic Party.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.....Weiner....("The Weinster" to his pals...)....DO NOT RESIGN.

Liberals NEED you. I can see it now:

2016: Edwards/Weiner

Between Riale Hunter and Ginger Lee, it's pretty obvious that you two guys have got THE RIGHT STUFF (even though it probably leans to the left...)!!!!

Hirota: out.

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