Monday, June 13, 2011

The problem with ONLY hearing half the sales pitch....

"It takes a woman to clean house"

"You must drain the swamp if you are going to govern for the people"

Remember those wonderful, hope-filled, righteous words, all clucked by Nancy Pelosi upon her ascension to Speaker of the House?

To the first quote:
- I guess I have to wonder why no one heard a single critical comment from the feminist groups (NOW, NARAL, etc)....after all, Pelosi, with this quote, pretty much re-relegated women to "bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen".
- This statement WOULD be absolutely spot-on....had she been talking about Sarah Palin. Remember that Palin, while Governor of Alaska, ACTUALLY DID "clean house" of corruption....both Democrats AND Republicans. Pelosi has "cleaned house" of....exactly.....NO ONE. And this, with PLENTY of opportunities to demonstrate her commitment to voters: Rangel (tax evasion), Weiner (sexual problems), Waters (under investigation for political favoritism), a 73% increase in Congressional limousine purchases on taxpayer dole, Congressional travel is through the roof (despite Pelosi's promise of austerity)....the list goes on and on....

To the second quote:
- Perhaps there was a second part to this that the media neglected to cover. Perhaps....just perhaps....the FULL quote was, "You must drain the swamp and replace it with a Liberal cess pool if you are going to govern for the people...". Well, a Liberal cess pool is what we have, thanks to Pelosi's refusal to "govern for the people".

Hirota: out.

1 comment:

junior said...

The Weiner for Congress 2012 campaign theme song, by Taio Cruz: – rockin’: