Monday, June 13, 2011

Media bias? Gee....ya think???

So far, it would seem that the 275lbs of Palin emails have revealed NOTHING other than a conscientious, humane person. This is HUGELY bad news for the media, who, collectively, was hoping to bury Palin, using her own words.

BUT, fear not, Liberals: there IS still hope! (No, no....not like the 'hope' of our failure-in-chief Obama...this is REAL Liberal hope!)

Remember: the media STILL completely controls you. So, keeping in mind that you, personally, haven't read any of the Palin emails, you may rest assured that snippets, carefully cut out of context and pasted together, of her emails will be released; setting the Liberal analysis machine into full apoplexy. And, you, the blind, ignorant Socialist faithful, can roll in the "kill".... the way.....the OTHER information that isn't likely to be released will certainly be emails demonstrating Palin's strong ethics and Conservative principles.

And, one last thing....

I'll bet you HAVEN'T heard that a large portion of the emails featured Liberal death threats, particularly when Sarah accepted the nomination for the Veep slot....

Gee.....whatever happened to those "peace loving", "we can talk this out", "killing isn't the answer" Liberals? (evidently, killing IS the Liberal answer, if the question is "Palin").

And...since we're asking....whatever happened to those "open-minded", "enlightened", "knowledge is power" Liberals?

Hirota: out.

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