Thursday, June 16, 2011

WOW, did he say a mouthful!

Ya gotta love those nuanced Liberals....

Perhaps you heard about Obama's failure of a speech in Miami this week? Aside from the fact that he played to a half-filled auditorium, Obama unwittingly offered up the truth of his Presidency as well as that of the Democratic Party.

Teleprompter'd Obama:

"If you're lookin' for easy answers, you're lookin' in the wrong place."

Voters: truer words were never spoken!

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but.....


If you are looking for easy answers, YOU ARE LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACE! In other words: if you seek simple solutions, "Government" is the LAST place you should be looking!

Now, does that mean that easy answers aren't out there? NO!

Obama is simply admitting that NO real answers are to be found in either his administration or, really, anywhere in the public sector.

If you want easy answers, if you want actual solutions, if you want REAL progress, you have to turn to the ONLY consistently-reliable entity:


Obama......must be taking lessons from Wasserman Schultz...

Hirota: out.

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