Monday, June 6, 2011

What his constituents SHOULD be learning.....

Anthony Weiner has now admitted to inappropriateness (with his Twitter accounts, etc).

Has he broken any laws? Probably not (so far, this is a BIG "probably", based on the fact that he's lied about everything else...).

Not to suggest that Liberals are hypocrites, but I haven't heard them SCREAMING for his resignation (you know, like they do when, say, a certain Republican propositions a woman to have sex in a public place....who cares that the woman was HIS OWN WIFE...).

Nope...the Liberals have circled the wagons around their Weiner and are ready to come to blows (no pun intended).

But folks....there IS this thing called a "Recall Election".

Weiner consituents: you CAN get rid of this bum.

But, should he be tossed (no pun intended) because of his inappropriate behavior? Nope, says I.

What you SHOULD be dumping this ass for is the fact that HE LIED TO YOU.

So....will you learn this simple lesson: When Weiner feels the heat, HE WILL LIE TO YOU.

And, if YOU, the Weiner constituents, allow him to remain in office or, worse yet, RE-ELECT this idiot, it'll only prove one thing: YOUR stupidity.

Get it? ( pun intended....)

Hirota: out.

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